Christianity - Page 6

Report: Southern Iraq Lost 80% of Its Christians

The Kurdish news outlet Rudaw estimated in a report published Thursday that the southern Iraqi city of Basra lost 80 percent of its Assyrian, Chaldean, and Syriac Christians in the past two decades as a result of extreme persecution by jihadist groups.

Iraqi Christians place a cross on a church in Qaraqosh, Iraq, Monday, Feb. 22, 2021. Iraq&

Exclusive – In Communist China, Celebrating Christmas Could Hurt Your Social Credit Score

The sizable Christian population of China — including members of both “legal” Communist Party-controlled churches and illicit “house churches” seeking a private prayer space — faces significant persecution if found to be “too enthusiastic” in celebrating Christmas, David Curry, the president and CEO of Global Christian Relief, told Breitbart News in a recent conversation.

Policemen stand in front of St. Joseph's Church during a mass on Christmas eve in Beijing