Chris Murphy - Page 9

Four Most Infamous Gun Grabbers

Gun grabbers are ubiquitous in the current 21st century Democratic Party and, with effort, one or two gun grabbers can be found in the Republican Party as well.

More than 250 illegal firearms were seized last week in New York. PHOTO ERIC THAYER, REUTE

Dem Sen Murphy: Congress ‘Complicit’ in Virginia Murders

Friday on CNN’s “Newsroom,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) partially blamed Congress for the tragic murder broadcast live on television of WDBJ journalists, 24-year old Alison Parker and 27-year old Adam Ward, arguing they have not passed gun control legislation, which makes Congress complicit.


Claim: Walmart Background Checks Exceed Federal Requirements

Federal law allows gun dealers to sell a gun once a background check is passed or after a three-day extended check fails to turn up the information necessary to resolve a “delay” from the system. It was in the latter scenario that alleged Charleston shooter Dylann Roof was able to purchase his gun.


Senator Chris Murphy Concern Trolls GOP

Some people really wear their hearts on their sleeves. One of those people is Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT), who cares so much about the loyal opposition, he tweeted out this touching sentiment on Twitter, Tuesday night: I take no joy