Children - Page 14

Report: Armed Conflicts Kill More than 100,000 Babies Annually

An estimated 274 babies are killed each day on average in just ten countries located in the Middle East and Africa where children are believed to be most affected by armed conflict, the non-governmental organization (NGO) Save the Children revealed in a report on Friday.

Nurse arrested after US woman gave birth in vegetative state

Planned Parenthood Sex Info Chatbot Targets Children

Monica Cline, a former HIV and sex-ed educator for Planned Parenthood, told Breitbart News that, with its launching of Roo, Planned Parenthood “is harnessing the power of the digital world to purposely circumvent parents and steer children towards deceptive and harmful practices.”

HEMPSTEAD, NY - OCTOBER 16: Women protest for continued funding of Planned Parenthood outs

Births Plummet in San Francisco Bay Area

A new study suggests that the birth rate is collapsing in the San Francisco Bay Area, partly due to high housing prices, as women are delaying childbirth until they can afford living space in which to raise children.

Pregnant San Francisco (Chris Michaels / Flickr / CC / Cropped)