Chattanooga Attack

Terrorism Harms Local American Economy

Too many times the economic effects of terrorism are discussed at the macro level. It is often stated that the United States economy is so large that it can absorb the economic effects of these attacks, which are growing in number annually. This is not a false argument, but it is an incomplete one.


In Wake of Chattanooga Terror Attack, Provocative Gay Hate-Flag Must Come Down

Is the American mainstream media correct about what provokes mad dog killers? Did the gay rainbow flag provoke Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, the 24 year-old naturalized American citizen born in Kuwait who murdered four Marines Thursday, to commit his heinous crime? Abdulazeez, who was shot and killed by police Thursday, was a devout Muslim. And one thing we know about devout Muslims is that many vehemently oppose same sex marriage and consider homosexuality a sin.

AP Photo/Ted S. Warren