Cartel Incinerations

Another Cartel Killing Field Discovered in Mexican Border State

Human rights activist looking for the remains of their loved ones in the border state of Coahuila have located yet another cartel killing field. It is believed that gunmen murdered, incinerated and buried the remains of an unknown number of victims in this deserted area. The Los Zetas and the Sinaloa Cartel fought over the region where searchers found these killing fields for years.

Coahuila Mass Grave

EXCLUSIVO — Autoridades Encuentran Narco-Cocina en Estado Fronterizo

CIUDAD MANTE, Tamaulipas — Autoridades en este estado que colinda con Texas han localizado un campo de exterminio que se sospecha fue usado por carteles en la zona para ejecutar y desaparecer a sus víctimas. El campo de exterminio fue recientemente descubierto cerca de la Ciudad de Mante en la zona suroeste del estado. Fuentes de Breitbart Texas creen que los responsables del campamento son El Carte de Los Zetas. El cartel se ha dividido entre dos grupos rivales: Los Zetas Vieja Escuela y El Cartel del Noreste. Nuestras fuentes revelaron que es probale que basado en los movimientos de los grupos criminales en la zona, los responsables sean de Los Zetas Vieja Escuela.

Human ash

EXCLUSIVE: Authorities Find Cartel Human Incineration Camp in Mexican Border State

CIUDAD MANTE, Tamaulipas — Authorities in this Mexican state bordering Texas have found a cartel killing field where it is believed that gunmen murdered and incinerated their victims. The killing field was recently discovered in the city of Mante in the southwestern part of the state. Breitbart Texas sources believe the cartel responsible is Los Zetas. The cartel is broken into two warring factions: Old School Zetas (Vieja Escuela) and Cartel of the North (CDN or Cartel Del Noreste). Our sources believe it is more likely that Old School Zetas is the faction of Los Zetas responsible, due to the group’s recent movements in the area.

Human ash