Cartel Chronicles - Page 19

Dos Sicarios Mueren en Balacera Cerca de la Frontera con Texas

REYNOSA, Tamaulipas – Dos hombres armados del Cártel del Golfo murieron durante un reciente choque con la Marina de México en esta ciudad fronteriza. El choque inició una serie de enfrentamientos armados y persecuciones que propagaron terror mientras que las autoridades mexicanas perseguían a otros hombres armados del cártel.

matamoros troops

Mexican Mayor Arrested After Hundreds Massacred and Cooked in Network of Ovens, Following Breitbart Report

Mexican authorities have arrested the former mayor of a rural community in the border state of Coahuila in connection with the kidnapping, murder and incineration of hundreds of victims through a network of ovens at the hands of the Los Zetas cartel. The arrest comes after Breitbart Texas exposed not only the horrors of the mass extermination, but also the cover-up and complicity of the Mexican government.

Oven in Mexico Used to Incinerate Bodies

Captured Hitman: Cartels Forging New Ties in Drug War

MONTERREY, Nuevo Leon — While the government in this border state denies any alliances between drug cartels, the recently arrested leader of a hit squad confirmed ties with some members of the Los Zetas and Gulf Cartels in order to fight off their shared rivals.

Los Zetas