Cartel Chronicles - Page 11

GRAPHIC: Narco-Terror in Southern Mexico — 19 Dead in 3 Days

Terror is spreading over the rural area of the state now known as “Tierra Caliente” or “hot lands.” In three days, cartel gunmen have murdered 19 victims — 14 of those victims were beheaded and dismembered. Authorities in Michoacan tried to diminish the raging violence by claiming the murders are isolated incidents. The violence began over the weekend when suspected members of the Nueva Familia Michoacana (New Michoacan Family) kidnapped and murdered Alonzo “Papas” Renteria Andrade. The murder victim is the brother of the now jailed kingpin, Ignacio “Cenizo” Renteria Andrade.

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GRAPHIC: Five Gunmen Killed in Mexican Border State Cartel Camp Shootout

Mexican Marines killed five gunmen from the Gulf Cartel during a battle inside a cartel camp in the border state of Tamaulipas. The battle took place in a rustic field less than 15 miles north of this city when a military helicopter carrying out surveillance flights came under fire. The military aircraft was surveying the area looking for cartel activity in properties that had been abandoned due to the cartel violence in the region.

Cartel Camp

Mexican Border Gas Station Sold Stolen Cartel Fuel for Years, Say Prosecutors

For more than two years, a gas station in this border city worked as a front for the sale of fuel allegedly stolen by Mexico’s Gulf Cartel. State and federal authorities raided the business after an investigation revealed that, since June 2015, the gas station had not been buying gasoline from Mexican Petroleum (PEMEX), the entity in Mexico that controls all of the extraction, refining, and sale of fuel in the country.

Mexican gas station

EXCLUSIVO GRAFICO: Autoridades Descubren Narco-Fosa en Ciudad Fronteriza

RIO BRAVO, Tamaulipas — Los horrores de la guerra de cárteles que se vive en esta ciudad fronteriza se revelaron una vez mas con el descubrimiento de una narco-fosa. El descubrimiento se llevo acabo en un momento en que grupos rivales del Cartel del Golfo llevan una cruenta lucha por control de la región que ha dejado mas de 158 muertes en balaceras o ejecuciones y un numero sin fin de desaparecidos en la vecina ciudad de Reynosa.

Gulf Cartel

EXCLUSIVE–GRAPHIC: Authorities Discover Cartel Mass Grave near Texas

RIO BRAVO, Tamaulipas — The horrors of the cartel war in this border city have once again been revealed with the discovery of a new mass grave. The find comes at a time when rival groups from the Gulf Cartel wage war for control of the region–leading to more than 158 deaths through gun battles, executions, and disappearances in Reynosa.

Gulf Cartel

GRÁFICO: Policías Mexicanos Parecen Exterminar a Sicarios del Cártel

REYNOSA, Tamaulipas – Un video tomado por un ciudadano en esta ciudad fronteriza después de un enfrentamiento con un cártel parece mostrar a un oficial de policía usando su rifle para acabar con algunos hombres armados del cártel en un vehículo. El video surge cuando esta ciudad fronteriza lleva sufriendo cuatro meses de terror debido a la guerra del Cártel del Golfo por el poder, que ha dejado más de 150 asesinatos confirmados y decenas de desapariciones.

Reynosa shooting

GRAPHIC: Mexican Cops Appear to Execute Cartel Gunmen on Camera

REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — A video captured by a citizen journalist in the aftermath of a cartel gun battle appears to show a police officer using his rifle to execute some shooters in a vehicle. The video comes as this border city has undergone four months of terror at the hand of the Gulf Cartel’s campaign for local control–leading to more than 150 confirmed deaths.

Reynosa shooting

Víctima Inocente Muere en Narco-Fuego Cruzado en Ciudad Fronteriza

REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Una mujer perdió la vida cuando manejaba por una de las principales avenidas de esta ciudad fronteriza cuando en la hora pico del trafico sicarios de grupos rivales comenzaron a disparar por todas partes. Otras dos personas inocentes fueron heridas durante el enfrentamiento, mientras que sicarios realizaron varias ejecuciones en varios puntos de la ciudad.

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Masacre Olvidada: Grupo Recuerda 72 Víctimas Ejecutadas por Los Zetas Hace 7 Años

SAN FERNANDO, Tamaulipas — Este mes se cumplieron siete años de que sicarios masacraron a 72 migrantes en un rancho de esta zona rural y es fecha en que las familias de las víctimas continúan sin consuelo y sin poder perdonar el atroz crimen que el cartel de Los Zetas cometió. El intento por recordar la masacre se llevó acabo en un momento en que el resto del mundo parece haber olvidado dicha atrocidad.

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Group Honors Victims of Forgotten Cartel Massacre 7 Years Later

SAN FERNANDO, Tamaulipas — Seven years have passed since cartel gunmen murdered 72 migrants at a ranch in this rural community. To date, the victim’s families are not able to overcome nor forgive the horrors carried out by Los Zetas. The attempt to honor the victims comes at a time when the rest of the world appears to have forgotten the atrocities.

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