capitalism - Page 5

Age of Obama: Low-Income Workers See Greatest Decline in Wages

We all know what the standard liberal snake-oil response to stagnant wages is: job-killing minimum wage hikes, which also tend to be a big part of the reason income increases grow scarce in the workplace, producing the understandably frustrating wage stagnation people complained about to the NELP researchers and the New York Times. Nothing kills upward mobility for lower-income workers deader than high minimum wages and mandated labor costs like ObamaCare.

Years Of Economic Decline Leave One Third Of Atlantic City's Resident In Poverty

Fear the Low-Productivity Economy of the Future

In fact, one of the worst things about politicized economics is the false promise that politicians know what the ideal economy looks like, never mind having solid plans for getting there. Is the ideal economy one in which everyone’s basic needs are covered? Welcome to the endless grey fog of the collectivist welfare or communist state, which always proves unsustainable and fails to deliver on those promises anyway.

AP Photo/Paul Sakuma

Planned Parenthood: How Liberals Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Unfettered Pursuit of Profit

These videos are exactly what liberal agenda journalists love doing to nearly every other mega-corporation in the land. When the Planned Parenthood executive muses on maximizing the profits of her baby-organ harvesting operation and says, “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it,” that’s the sort of line MSM journalists would underscore with ominous music, and maybe a slow zoom into her greedy capitalist-pig eyes, if this were an expose about any other Big Business.

Workers at a Planned Parenthood clinic hang a banner to announce the opening of the facili

Where Can We Get Some of This ‘Unfettered Capitalism’ Pope Francis Rails Against?

The Pope should also know better than to position socialism as the solution to greed. On the contrary, socialists are incredibly greedy, as the lavish lifestyles of left-wing Men and Women of the People attest. Even in nations that haven’t been completely flushed down the socialist toilet yet, the people who rail against the way other people “pursue money” tend to be filthy rich and accustomed to fabulous luxury themselves.

papal recovery

Exclusive — Moore: Krugman Will Defend Obamanomics Which Is Based on Socialism

LAS VEGAS, Nevada — In two separate exclusive interviews ahead of his debate with liberal New York Times economist Paul Krugman on Friday, conservative economist Stephen Moore—now with the Heritage Foundation but previously of the Wall Street Journal—told Breitbart News he expects Krugman to defend “Obamanomics,” or a socialist kind of economic policy.

Barack Obama speaks about the economy at the University of Wisconsin at La Crosse in La Cr

The Dominance of the Neo-Liberalism Myth

Owen Jones and Russell Brand often rail against ‘neo-liberalism’. According to them, the last three decades have seen an unprecedented experiment in ‘free market economics’ – characterised by a radical slashing of state spending, an erosion of the welfare state,


Venezuela Rations Electricity, Blames Climate Change

The Venezuelan government will begin rationing electrical supplies this week in response to high demand triggered by heat. Public employees will only have to work six hours a day until further notice, and police units will be sent to inspect private businesses to ensure they only use their allotted amounts. Venezuelan Vice President Jorge Arreaza blamed the measures on climate change.

Venezuela President Maduro

Earth Day and the Sustainable Resource Of Guilt

On Earth Day, it’s remarkable how much Green energy (of the political variety) has been pumped into the climate change movement. It gives people an easy way to assume intellectual superiority with virtually zero effort. It’s the eternal crusade, the insoluble problem, the hypothesis that can never be falsified, so it provides sustainable fuel for countless rallies and political power grabs.

President Barack Obama walks the Anhinga Trail at Everglades National Park, Fla,, Wednesda