Pro-Life Black Group Commends Trump: ‘You Have Fully Demonstrated Your Commitment to Support Black Life’
Every Black Life Matters (EBLM), a Christian alternative to Black Lives Matter, sent a commendation letter to Trump as he leaves office.

Every Black Life Matters (EBLM), a Christian alternative to Black Lives Matter, sent a commendation letter to Trump as he leaves office.
China’s state-run Global Times on Tuesday denounced big tech censorship of President Donald Trump as an exercise of “U.S. digital hegemony” and demanded companies like Twitter, Google, Apple, and Amazon recognize the “sovereignty” of other nations in cyberspace.
House Representative-elect and new “Squad” member Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) proclaimed Monday that capitalism is “slavery by another name.” Bowman said in an interview with The Root: I believe our current system of capitalism is slavery by another name. We’ve moved
Pope Francis has partnered with leaders of major corporations and organizations such as BP, Johnson & Johnson, DuPont, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, Visa, and Estée Lauder to form the Council for Inclusive Capitalism.
Leftwing media outlet Vox published a piece Tuesday that calls for the elimination of college grade point averages (GPAs) because focusing on grades “trains students for a lifetime of capitalist service.”
Replacing capitalism with socialism would be a disaster, Whole Foods Market CEO John Mackey said during an interview on Tuesday.
In an essay published on Friday, Teen Vogue columnist Kandist Mallett blasts America while calling for a range of radical motions and criticizing any
The coronavirus crisis presents an opportunity for a “new kind of capitalism” and “great reset” of global economies, politics, and societies, according to World Economic Forum (WEF) founder and executive chairman Klaus Schwab.
The few differences that remain between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are insignificant. Meanwhile, Biden has begun to call for “revolution.”
Former Vice President Joe Biden reiterated that he would be “one of the most progressives presidents in U.S. history” during a rare question-and-answer session with the press after a speech on racial equality in Wilmington, Delaware, on Tuesday.
“It’s way past time to put the end to the era of shareholder capitalism,” Joe Biden declared in an economic speech, calling for a more inclusive approach.
On Sunday, hundreds of pro-Yemeni and Black Lives Matter protesters joined forces in London to demonstrate against “white” capitalism, systemic racism, and the war in Yemen.
Prominent Swedish progressive Andreas Malm has urged using the full coercive power of the state to curb fossil fuel emissions, modeling the response on global coronavirus lockdowns.
China’s dishonesty could lead to a reassessment of how vital the regime should be to the prosperity of Western democracies, Mr Farage said.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on Friday used the negative economic reality caused by the Chinese coronavirus to take a shot at capitalism.
Chinese state media continued its relentless campaign to spin the coronavirus pandemic to the Communist Party’s advantage with an editorial at the Global Times on Tuesday blaming the “three arrogances” of the West for preventing the world from uniting against the disease and forgetting Beijing’s role in spreading it.
Rush Limbaugh warned Americans of the Democrats’ attempt to use the coronavirus emergency as a means to “decapitate” the U.S. economy.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom told a press conference on Wednesday that the coronavirus crisis provided an opportunity to usher in “a progressive era” through policy changes that shift American society away from capitalism.
Actress Fran Drescher endorsed a call for a general labor strike in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, declaring that “Capitalism has become another word for Ruling Class Elite!”
Former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) traded barbs at the ninth Democrat debate on Wednesday evening in Las Vegas when Buttigieg implied that Sanders’ far-left campaign was inciting violence.
“This is ridiculous, we’re not going to throw out capitalism, we tired that, other countries tried that, it was called communism and it just didn’t work,” Bloomberg said.
Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) can attribute his success, largely, to the capitalist system he regularly rails against, Elaine Parker, chief communications officer of Job Creators Network (JCN), told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Thursday.
The Job Creators Network has launched a “Jobs, Jobs, Jobs” bus tour, trailing Democrat presidential candidates as they campaign in Iowa.
Sen. Marco Rubio’s idea of “common-good capitalism” makes obvious good sense, and yet, of course, not everyone agrees. Still, Rubio has started a valuable debate, and if he prevails, the Republican Party—and the United States—will be stronger.
Pope Francis told businesspeople to prioritize the urgent demands of social justice over increased productivity and profitability, even if it means martyrdom.
Actor and left-wing activist Mark Ruffalo, reportedly worth around $30 million, has called for an “economic revolution” in the United States, warning that free-market capitalism is “killing us” and robbing the peace and prosperity of future generations.
The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports have released a poll that showed American voters are not in favor of socialism or socialist candidates, regardless of party affiliation.
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) took a shot at Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) over the weekend, telling a crowd in Iowa that she is “not trying to start a revolution” and reaffirming that she is “not a socialist.”
American businesses dominate the world. It’s no coincidence that fantastic innovators like Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, Uber, Airbnb, and countless others were all founded here.
Pope Francis urged leaders Monday to devise “more inclusive and equitable economic models,” praising those who seek ways “to make capitalism become a more inclusive instrument for integral human wellbeing.”
Seventy percent of millennials admit that they would vote for a candidate who identifies as a socialist, according to a poll released on Monday.
We’ve learned a lot from the National Basketball Association’s kowtow to the People’s Republic of China. Here are five key takeaways.
Fact Check – CLAIM: “Unfettered capitalism” created the opioid crisis. VERDICT: False. The opioid crisis was the result of bad government policy and medical advice.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) held a campaign event in Decorah, Iowa, on Monday and agreed with a woman who suggested that Americans are brainwashed into embracing the traditional American dream and capitalism, telling the crowd that she is “exactly right.”
The author of a bill that would require California high school students to be taught an ethnic studies curriculum has decided to delay the measure amid intense debate over which political identity groups should be included in the program.
Marxist professor Richard Wolff argued this week that schools should abandon traditional grading systems because they are part of “meritocracy” which in turn is a basis of capitalism.
“The Democrats are on a mission,” said Senator David Perdue (R-GA) at Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority event Thursday morning regarding the first 2020 Democrat debate. “I never thought I’d be sitting here talking about capitalism versus socialism,” Perdue added.
Presidential hopeful Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) stated the debate within the Democrat party is “confusing” during the second night of the Democrat presidential debates held in Miami, Florida, Thursday night.
Denver has elected a socialist city councilwoman who is calling for the “communal ownership” of land, according to the results of the city’s June 4 runoff.
An increasing number of Americans are seeing socialism in a more positive light, a recent Harris poll shows.