Hillary’s Iowa Non-Victory Speech: ‘I Am a Progressive Who Gets Things Done’
Hillary Clinton’s approach to rallying her troops after her historic debacle in Iowa apparently involves shouting at them until they stop thinking about Bernie Sanders.

Hillary Clinton’s approach to rallying her troops after her historic debacle in Iowa apparently involves shouting at them until they stop thinking about Bernie Sanders.
A McClatchy-Marist poll finds that 68 percent of Americans think Hillary Clinton did something either illegal or unethical in setting up a private email system to handle her government correspondence.
The establishment media has repeatedly hammered Republican candidates for not rebuking questioners at campaign events who say things that progressives don’t like.
New Jersey governor and presidential candidate Chris Christie has previously spoken about drug addiction, and urged treatment instead of incarceration, but his Wednesday comments on the subject to a meeting in New Hampshire were especially moving.
The underlying dynamic of this primary is grassroots Republican voters expressing their dissatisfaction with an elite that views them with contempt. Confirmation that the GOP Establishment — embodied by the Jeb Bush campaign — does indeed hold this mindset won’t improve the fortunes of its candidates.
The latest poll from ABC News and the Washington Post has Donald Trump still firmly in the lead at 33 percent, Ben Carson ticking up a bit in second place at 22 percent, and Senator Marco Rubio likewise edging up a few points for third place at 10 percent.
The media normally treats a politician’s dramatic policy shifts as insincere or foolish “flip-flops,” at least when it’s Republicans changing their minds. Let’s see how they handle one of the most blatant flip-flops in recent memory, as presidential candidate Hillary Clinton suddenly denounces the huge Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal that she championed as Secretary of State.
Conventional wisdom holds that the early front-runner in a wide-open primary, especially a crowded one, rarely turns out to be the nominee. It’s probably one of those “rules” that will be true until it isn’t, but at the moment there is ample evidence from past contests to back it up. Carly Fiorina is banking on that, gaining strength as the campaign unwinds.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is nationally known because of his battle over union reforms in his state, which resulted in several spectacular, and futile, efforts by Big Labor to knock him out of office.
The Boston Globe reports that the “Mitt Romney diaspora” – that mighty “army of former aides and advisers from Romney’s long political career” – has spread out through the campaigns of 2016 GOP hopefuls, and come together in a “stem-to-stern effort that has united old comrades even as they nominally play for different teams: stopping Donald Trump.”
With a long line of debunked lies, shredded excuses, and abandoned spin attempts behind her, Hillary Clinton finally decided it was time to “apologize” for her email scandal. Of course, her idea of an “apology” basically amounts to: I’m sorry you Little People are too stupid to understand what I was up against, as a historic female Secretary of State.
Donald Trump is doing a bit more than merely “trolling” Jeb Bush with his Instagram account, as the headline at National Journal has it. Trump is playing a longer game here, and he’s also playing rougher than terms like “trolling” or “minor ribbing” would suggest.
Presidential candidates usually take pains to avoid becoming punch lines. When you’re running for the highest office in the land, you don’t want to look like an out-of-touch boob who doesn’t understand the basics of the computer technology integral to modern American life. Not so with Hillary Clinton.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has unveiled his “Day One Patient Freedom Plan,” a replacement for ObamaCare, which he says he would repeal in its entirety. The centerpiece of Walker’s plan is to restore market competition without entirely removing subsidies for health insurance coverage.
The Wall Street Journal calls Clinton’s plan an “attempt to address a source of anxiety for American families while advancing one of the left’s most sweeping new ideas.” It’s no surprise the Left did everything it could to heighten that anxiety before terrorizing people into a “solution” that would spread its sweeping ideas. The WSJ dryly notes that information about Hillary’s plan “will be a key element of campaigning on college campuses this fall.” I’ll just bet it will.
Not bad for the Clintons, a couple that produces nothing, adds nothing to the economy, and gets all of their money based solely on political connections. Many of us are old enough to remember when liberals were very, very upset at the thought of rich people running for President – three years ago, to be exact.
Yesterday’s lawyer-lingo evasions don’t matter any more, because it was all B.S. anyway. When inspectors general discovered hard proof of then-classified material flowing through ClintonMail.com, they referred the matter to the Justice Department… and warned that future public releases of Clinton’s email could be peppered with enough secret information to threaten national security.
Donald Trump is number one in a new nationwide poll from Quinnipiac University, with a seven-percentage point lead over all other GOP presidential candidates. Trump took 20 percent in the poll, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker comes in second with 13 percent.
GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson signed the United States Term Limits Amendment Pledge, saying he plans to govern like a leader – not like a politician.
The poll also measured which candidates are the most well-known. Donald Trump, according to the results, is the best-known candidate with 92%. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush comes in second under that factor.
The poll was conducted from July 8th to July 21st and surveyed roughly 1,028 Republicans and right leaning Independents. It examined the candidates well-known factor with the favorability of the candidate.
First, there was an interview with Jake Tapper of CNN, in which she handled the Trump surge (saying that she shares the anger at professional politicians she feels Trump is tapping into), immigration policy, domestic security, and the Planned Parenthood videos. “Politics is not a game,” Fiorina said on Fox & Friends, “and it’s not entertainment. It’s deadly serious now. Because unless we solve some of these festering problems, and exhibit leadership to challenge the status quo in Washington, D.C., and exhibit leadership around the world, these times will continue to be perilous.”
GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson wanted to be hands-on and inspire those working to spread his message.
CEDAR FALLS, Iowa—During his 99 county campaign tour through the Hawkeye state, GOP presidential candidate Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) name-dropped here and there, as he spoke about reforming Washington.
GOP presidential candidate former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AR) has roughly eight million dollars raised since launching his campaign about two months ago, on May 5th.
“Failing candidate Hillary Clinton, who is desperately trying to hold on to her lead in the democratic primary against Bernie Sanders, is knowingly putting out lies about my stance on illegal immigration,” Donald Trump says. “I said ‘Mexico is sending’— I’m not knocking immigration or immigrants, but rather am very critical of the country of Mexico for sending us people that they don’t want. Likewise I am very critical of illegal immigration and the tremendous problems including crime, which it causes.”
Walker said he and his brother used to tie ribbons around the tree in front of their home during the 444 days that 52 Americans were held hostage in Iran—an event that helped usher Ronald Reagan’s surge into the White House over Democrat President Jimmy Carter.
“The good news is that there is still time left to turn things around. To do this, we need new, fresh leadership; leadership with big, bold ideas from outside of Washington; the kind of leadership that can actually get things done – like we have here in Wisconsin,” Gov. Scott Walker says.
Scott Walker, “The 47-year-old Republican often points to the fact that he’s been on the ballot just about every two years since 1990 — including three victorious races for governor — as proof that he’s battle-tested and prepared to grind out yet another long campaign,” notes Politico.
In her first interview since her husband, Dr. Ben Carson, announced he is running for president, Candy Carson talked to Breitbart News exclusively about their wedding anniversary, family, and faith, but she also stressed how critical it is for Americans to get out there and vote as well as educate themselves on the issues to hold their Congressmen accountable.
GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina reacted to Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s highly anticipated first television interview with CNN since announcing her presidential run in early April.
GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump came out swinging against the media Tuesday, saying the headlines about his organization following business deal break-ups with NASCAR and ESPN were blown out of proportion.
GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump and the PGA of America are now cutting their business ties following his statements on immigration during his presidential launch.
SOUTH CAROLINA—GOP presidential candidate Gov. Mike Huckabee attended a town hall event in Anderson, South Carolina, where hundreds of people attended, including Benghazi Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC).
South Carolina – GOP presidential candidate Gov. Mike Huckabee rolled up his sleeves and served voters as he mingled at a Chick-fil-A in Anderson, South Carolina.
Frank Sadler, GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina’s campaign manager, sent an email to supporters updating them on Fiorina’s fundraising efforts and growing support.
In her first interview since her husband, Dr. Ben Carson, announced he is running for the Republican presidential nomination, Candy Carson spoke exclusively with Breitbart News about their 40 years of marriage, their faith, and the trials and tribulations of taking on a presidential campaign.
GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina is speaking out about what she thinks America must do in order to prevent another cybersecurity hack.
GOP presidential candidate and real estate mogul Donald Trump spoke to a record crowd of 700 people at Maryland GOP’s 25th annual Red, White and Blue dinner Tuesday night.
Licensed psychologist Dr. Tiffany D. Sanders evaluated the GOP presidential candidates and likely candidates to determine which one is the most relatable to the average American.
In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Friday, GOP presidential candidate and businessman Donald Trump responded to Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio Chong’s allegations that Trump’s statements on immigrants from Mexico were “biased and absurd.”