VIDEO: Portion of Highway 1 Near Big Sur Collapses from Winter Storm
A stretch of Highway 1 near Big Sur in California that collapsed this week because of a winter storm will need millions of dollars in repairs.

A stretch of Highway 1 near Big Sur in California that collapsed this week because of a winter storm will need millions of dollars in repairs.
Lobbyists working with the state to stop Proposition 6 also discussed opinion pieces targeting Darrell Issa and three other vulnerable Republicans.
California is testing a per-mile “fee” (gas tax) on drivers to spike Caltrans fuel tax collection — which will pay for employee feather-bedding, higher mileage cars and subsidized electric vehicles.
Oklahoma’s Republican Governor, Mary Fallin, wrote a December 9 letter to California Governor Jerry Brown thanking him for the help Caltrans officials have offered educating Oklahoma officials regarding earthquakes.
On Saturday, November 7, at 9 a.m., Caltrans work crews will implode the largest concrete pier of the old Bay Bridge eastern span, a five-story underwater structure.
On Thursday, the three-member oversight panel supervising the Bay Bridge construction project voted to punish the chief contractor, American Bridge/Fluor, by withholding $8 million in payments and fining the contractor another $3 million.
This summer in Carlsbad, a treasure trove of Ice Age (Pleistocene Epoch) fossils from close to 200,000 years ago was unearthed at a construction site on Quarry Creek–the site of a new development where over 600 new homes are slated for construction.
Want to make $25,000 for an idea? If you create the best answer to the state of California’s question, “What’s the best way to improve the state’s transportation system?” you could become the lucky winner.
Heavy rains, including those from the diminishing Hurricane Dolores, are hitting portions of drought-stricken California, with devastating results–from the collapse of a bridge on eastern California’s I-10 highway, to sinkholes and floating sheds in San Diego.
Last Thursday, thick snowflakes covered a portion of Northern California as a much-welcomed summer snowstorm hit the Tioga Pass in the Sierra Nevada mountains, precisely one week after the snowpack on the mountain range had officially disappeared.
The bad news for the San Francisco Bay Bridge tower just got worse: cracks have been discovered on some of the rods that are part of the tower foundation, according to Caltrans. Caltrans also admitted that one of the four tower anchor rods broke after water exposure made it brittle.