California Primary - Page 5

5 Lessons of New York Primary for California Primary

The New York primary on April 19 marked major wins for Democratic favorite Hillary Clinton and Republican frontrunner Donald Trump, setting the stage for a decisive California primary on June 7. There are five key lessons from New York for California.

Donald Trump New York primary (John Moore / Getty)

California Primary: Democrats Complete Delegate Registration

As Republican campaigns scramble to assembly delegate lists by May 8, Democrats on Wednesday passed the first of several key deadlines in the delegate selection process before the California primary. Those Democrats interested in representing their congressional district at the Democratic National Convention July 25-28 in Philadelphia — some 317 (58%) of the party’s 548 delegates from California had to file a form by Wednesday.

The Associated Press

Ted Cruz in California: ‘There’s a New Revolution Brewing’

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) kicked off his California campaign with a rally in Orange County at Hotel Irvine — the same venue where he met privately with his entire state of proposed delegates last month. “This is the birthplace of the Reagan Revolution,” Cruz told the enthusiastic crowd, “and let me tell you, there’s a new revolution brewing.”

Ted Cruz in Irvine (Jon Fleischman / Breitbart News)