Bryan Cranston

11 Times Celebrities Shocked America with Common Sense

Sometimes — not often — a Famous Person will somehow escape the usually impenetrable bubble of utter obliviousness that encircles Hollywood to speak pure common sense. These comments are so infrequent — and so pleasantly surprising — that they go viral among Americans still hopeful that there remains a shred of competence among those working in the entertainment business.

Kidman Wahlberg Chastain Getty

Interview: Bryan Cranston Tells Breitbart News ‘The Infiltrator’ Reinforces ‘Distrust of Government’

In The Infiltrator, Bryan Cranston is Robert Mazur, a family man who often struggled to balance his home life with his role in one of the most successful undercover operations in United States history. Breitbart News caught up with Cranston to discuss his experience playing Bob Mazur, and how the film can reinforce negative perceptions of the federal government and its seemingly endless maze of bureaucracy.
