Brett Kavanaugh - Page 30

Biden: Ford Shouldn’t Be ‘Vilified’ Like Anita Hill

In an interview that aired Friday on NBC’s “Today,” former Vice President Joe Biden weighed in on the sexual misconduct allegation against Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Biden said, like with Anita Hill during Clarence Thomas’ confirmation, the FBI


Politico Editor-in-Chief: ‘God Is Laughing at Brett Kavanaugh’

Politico Editor-in-Chief John Harris penned an op-ed on Monday suggesting that “God is laughing at Brett Kavanaugh,” noting the supposed irony that Kavanaugh once investigated Bill Clinton’s infidelity only to have the Senate Judiciary Committee and the media now investigate a sexual misconduct allegation brought against the Supreme Court nominee.

President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, takes notes as the Senate

Kavanaugh on Monday Hearing: ‘I Will Be There’

Judge Brett Kavanaugh sent Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) a letter Thursday emphatically stating his willingness to address his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford’s, claims as soon as possible after she refused to appear at Monday’s scheduled hearing on the matter.

The Associated Press