WaPo Ignores Illegal Alien-Status of Man Accused of Killing Muslim Teen
The Washington Post willingly ignored the illegal alien-status of a man who is accused of brutally murdering a Muslim teenager in Fairfax County, Virginia.
The Washington Post willingly ignored the illegal alien-status of a man who is accused of brutally murdering a Muslim teenager in Fairfax County, Virginia.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas – La violenta guerra por el control de esta ciudad fronteriza continúa esparciendo el terror mientras fuertes enfrentamientos armados, bloqueos y pánico se extendieron por esta ciudad durante el fin de semana. Los enfrentamientos del fin de semana están vinculados a una guerra por el control territorial del Cártel del Golfo.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — The raging war for control of this border city continues as large scale gun battles, blockades, and terror spread over the weekend. The fighting is tied to a long-standing factional struggle for territorial control within the Gulf Cartel.
RIO BRAVO, Tamaulipas — Cinco sicarios pertenecientes al Cartel del Golfo murieron luego de varias horas de enfrentamientos en Mexico justo al sur de una reserva ecológica Americana.
RIO BRAVO, Tamaulipas — Five gunmen belonging to the Gulf Cartel died after an hours-long gun battle in Mexico, south of a U.S. Wildlife Refuge.
CIUDAD VICTORIA, Tamaulipas — El gobierno de Tamaulipas solicitó a el gobierno federal que un ex-gobernador del estado que se encuentra internado en una prisión estatal sea trasladado a una prisión federal.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Narco-ejecuciones, secuestros y balaceras desataron el terror en esta ciudad fronteriza la cual vivió una de las semanas más sangrientas en su historia con casi 30 muertes en una semana.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Cartel executions, kidnappings, and gun battles continue to spread terror in this border city, which saw almost 30 murders over the week.
Mexican authorities continue looking into the recent murder of a key federal intelligence agent who operated in the violent border state of Chihuahua. During the assassination attempt, the gunmen also killed the agent’s mother.
State prosecutors in the border state of Tamaulipas are asking for federal help in extraditing a cartel-linked former governor currently jailed as part of an embezzlement and money laundering case.
The State of Tamaulipas requested the federal government of Mexico help with transferring a former state governor from state to federal prison.
An illegal alien who was drunk driving has pleaded guilty to killing a Kansas deputy sheriff after causing a deadly car crash last year. Sanctuary city policies in two jurisdictions allowed the previously convicted drunk driver to remain in the U.S. leading to the murder of the deputy.
A federal judge sentenced an illegal alien from Mexico to prison after he pleaded guilty to being part of a cartel rip crew operating in Texas. The criminal alien received ten years in prison for his role in a rolling shootout along a Texas highway.
MORELIA, Michoacán – La alcaldesa de la pequeña comunidad rural de Turicato fue arrestada por cargos de asesinato después de que su esposo y jefe de guardaespaldas matara a un sospechoso miembro del cártel que resultó ser el hijo de un político rival.
MORELIA, Michoacan — The mayor of the small rural community of Turicato was arrested on murder charges after her husband and chief bodyguard killed a suspected cartel member who happened to be the son of a rival politician.
An illegal immigrant is now facing felony charges after allegedly running over a Raleigh, North Carolina, man in a hit-and-run car accident while intoxicated.
Five illegal aliens who are part of the MS-13 gang were charged in connection with the brutal murder of a Maryland woman who was beaten to death and buried in June and unearthed in September.
A state judge in Tamaulipas formally charged a cartel-linked former governor and ordered him to remain behind bars without bond.
MONTERREY, Nuevo León — Un amotinamiento de prisión mortal a las afueras del municipio de Cadereyta ha dejado a 16 presos muertos y al menos 30 heridos, incluyendo un guardia de prisión. Hasta 250 presos se enfrentaron con las autoridades a las que finalmente se les dio la orden de abrir fuego para rescatar a un grupo de guardias que habían sido secuestrados por reclusos.
MONTERREY, Nuevo Leon — A deadly prison riot in the suburb of Cadereyta killed 16 inmates and left at least 30 injured, including a guard. As many as 250 prisoners fought with authorities who were ultimately given the order to open fire to rescue a group of guards.
Agents with the Tamaulipas Attorney General’s Office raided a luxury ranch tied to a former cartel-linked governor who is the target of an ongoing embezzlement and money laundering investigation.
An illegal alien accused of murdering a teenage girl in Greenville County, South Carolina, was shielded from deportation as he was a beneficiary of the Obama-created DACA amnesty program.
A rare sight in Mexico’s current political climate, three senators presented a motion to congratulate Tamaulipas authorities for the arrest of a former cartel-linked governor, while calling for a federal inquiry into the case.
An economist at the University of Maryland says President Trump’s recently released list of immigration priorities “would foster” a “less-divided America.”
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Mientras el Cártel del Golfo continúa teniendo sus enfrentamientos armados casi a diario por su guerra interna por territorios de tráfico de droga, hombres armados del cártel han convertido esta ciudad de la frontera en un crematorio clandestino y una fosa común.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — As the Gulf Cartel continues almost daily gun battles over drug territories, cartel gunmen have turned this border city into a clandestine crematorium and mass grave.
EDINBURG, Texas — A man wanted by Texas authorities for the murder of his ex-girlfriend and her beau in February fled to Mexico was killed by military forces there.
The recent attack at a drug rehab center in the border state of Chihuahua brings back a long-standing practice used by cartel gunmen dating back years. Getting to their rivals when their guards are down, gunmen often target drug centers and clinics which often leads to multiple innocent casualties.
PIEDRAS NEGRAS, Coahuila – Dos sicarios del cártel llevaron a un niño de dos años de edad con ellos mientras realizaban entregas de drogas en la calle cerca de esta ciudad fronteriza. El reciente arresto sucedió cuando autoridades estatales de Coahuila
Two cartel gunmen took a two-year-old child with them while the group made street-level drug deliveries near this border city.
Authorities in this border state arrested a Sinaloa Cartel cell after a gun battle. The group of six cartel gunmen headed up a street-level distribution network of cocaine, marijuana, and other drugs.
Smuggling illegal aliens across the U.S.-Mexico border is becoming increasingly expensive. A new report shows how the price of human smuggling has “skyrocketed” under President Trump’s immigration enforcement actions.
The ongoing wave of impunity that gives cartels and corrupt public officials the ability to murder journalists led to the murder of the 11th Mexican journalist this year. A team of gunmen dressed as cops kidnapped and murdered a photo-journalist in the central Mexican state of San Luis Potosi.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Mexican state authorities arrested a former governor after the United States accused him of money laundering in Texas and accepting cartel bribes.
Authorities in the border city of Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, arrested an alleged hitman for Los Aztecas gang suspected in nearly 30 cartel assassinations–including one carried out at a local barbershop.
A total of 17 alleged drug traffickers were arrested for running a major cross-country drug trafficking operation from Arizona to New York.
Mexico’s Supreme Court moved to help alleged cartel fronts whose assets frozen by ruling the actions unconstitutional. The decision opens the door for cartel-connected companies to fight for their properties.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Los enfrentamientos armados, el robo de autos con violencia y los secuestros continúan ocurriendo todos los días en esta ciudad fronteriza mientras dos facciones rivales del Cártel del Golfo continúan luchando por el control de la plaza.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Gun battles, carjackings, and kidnappings continue to take place every day in this border city as two rival factions of the Gulf Cartel continue to fight for control.
PIEDRAS NEGRAS, Coahuila — Autoridades estatales y municipales detuvieron a 10 sicarios de un cartel en Tamaulipas que buscaban infiltrarse a esta ciudad fronteriza con el fin de aterrorizar la región.