Poll: Forget Mrs. Claus — Nearly 4 in 10 Britons Think Santa Can Be Gay
The results come after the Norwegian postal service released an annual Christmas video showing Santa Claus falling in love with another man.

The results come after the Norwegian postal service released an annual Christmas video showing Santa Claus falling in love with another man.
On this week’s episode of Delingpole, James talks with his brother Dick Delingpole.
Left-wing conspiracy theorists have suggested that footage obtained by Breitbart London of far-left activists storming a speech by Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg was, in fact, part of a staged operation organized by Steve Bannon.
Mammoth tobacco-fueled corporation Philip Morris announced that they are “trying to give up cigarettes.”
Friday on CNN’s “At This Hour,” Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) said President Donald Trump was showing his “heartlessness” by canceling subsidy payments for the Affordable Care Act. Partial transcript as follows: BOLDUAN: So let me ask you about health care
British rocker Roger Waters warned Americans in an interview this week, saying voters need to survive President Donald Trump’s “totally unpredictable” agenda.
Police arrested a man over comments made on Facebook about the Monday van attack against worshipers at a London mosque.
After British Airways was hit with a technical problem, forcing it to shut down all of its flights at London Heathrow and Gatwick airports, unions are now blaming the fiasco on the company’s decision to outsource its IT department.
George Soros is helping foot the bill for illegal immigrants’ legal services in Baltimore, Maryland.
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana – Beginning on New Year’s Eve through January 2 for the Sugar Bowl, Bourbon Street will be closed off to motorists in response to the deadly truck-involved Islamic terrorist attack in Berlin.
Since President-Elect Donald Trump was elected over Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton, the mainstream media have used alleged hate crime reports to drum up hysteria over issues like Islamophobia, homophobia, immigration, and race relations.
Breitbart London editor in chief has told Ireland’s national broadcaster that the Breitbart News Network has “effortless diversity” within its ranks, as the establishment media continues to attack the company as a “white nationalist” site. From an interview with Radio RTE: “Brexit
We Americans have July 4th, and the Brits now have June 23rd.
Brighton’s police chief has finally denounced rampaging so-called anti-fascists “looking to attack any bald men” after Breitbart London revealed arrests at a “far right” demonstration had been misleadingly reported.
Faced with becoming only the second British Prime Minister in a century to be defeated on his Queen’s Speech, David Cameron has avoided embarrassment by surrendering to the demands of eurosceptic Tory rebels over protecting the National Health Service (NHS) from the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) deal.
The Tory election guru, Sir Lynton Crosby, has warned the Remain camp’s “complacency” risks costing it the referendum, but the Leave side needs “to lift its activity and reach” to get its message across. The Australian political strategist made the comments
Left wing blogger Sunny Hundal has taken to Twitter to slur all “Brietbart (sic)” readers as “idiots”. The comment seems to have come apropos of nothing, as there have been no other mentions of Breitbart on his time-line in recent days.
The Washington Post has branded Breitbart “far right” and suggested news items are feeding into a false narrative of “an Islamic or Arab takeover of Europe” by reporting on a Polish magazine which dedicated its latest issue to the problems
LONDON, United Kingdom – Breitbart London, the first news outlet in the English language to expose the mass migrant assaults and rapes from Cologne on New Year’s Eve is to launch a Migrant Crisis Live Wire, tracking all the developments
Breitbart London’s Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam was one of the two participants in the Sky News debate this morning on the European migrant crisis. He said that Britain couldn’t afford to take more migrants, especially if, as his opponent, author Bidisha
Britain’s communist newspaper, the Morning Star, has splashed below its masthead on today’s paper a story called: “Exposing the Bigots Behind Breibart [sic]” – a story that reveals how terrified Britain’s left-wing is of Breitbart London, while simultaneously misspelling a
Italian authorities rescued over 1,500 asylum-seekers on Saturday. The work included four coastguard boats and an Italian navy ship.