Border Wall - Page 40

4 Tech Companies Lobbying for H-1B

In the age of President Donald Trump’s crackdown on the H-1B and strict enforcement of immigration law, tech conglomerates are lobbying the Congress and White House for amnesty and more foreign labor.


Mexico’s Government Warns U.S.A. to Not Build Border Walls

The Mexican foreign secretary called the plan to build walls along the border a “hostile” and “deeply unfriendly” act, and an “aggravating action.” He warned that Mexico intends to conduct a fierce legal battle to stop any border walls that violate the rights of Mexicans.

Mexico's Foreign Relations Secretary Luis Videgaray speaks to the press after meeting

Enviros File Lawsuit to Stop Border Wall

A leftist environmentalist nonprofit and a Democrat Arizona congressman filed a lawsuit that could halt or slow construction of President Trump’s promised border wall. The group wants an impact to determine any harm caused to jaguars and Mexican gray wolves by a barrier and additional border agents.