Border Violence

Cártel Los Zetas Afirman en Video que No Atacan a Civiles en Ciudad Fronteriza Tras Días de Balaceras

Una de las organizaciones criminales más violentas, que ha sido vinculada a miles de desapariciones forzadas en México, ha hecho un video en el que afirman que no atacan a civiles y piden a la comunidad que continúe con su vida diaria. El video llega en un momento en que existe una intensa presión del gobierno de los Estados Unidos para no solo para etiquetar a los cárteles hiperviolentos como grupos terroristas, sino para erradicarlos.

Los Zetas Attack 1

Los Zetas Cartel Makes Video Claiming They Don’t Target Civilians in Mexican Border City

One of the most violent criminal organizations, which has been linked to thousands of forced abductions in Mexico, has made a video where they claim not to be targeting civilians and asks the community to go about their daily lives. The video comes as there is intense pressure from the U.S. government to not only label hyperviolent cartels as terrorist groups but to eradicate them.

Los Zetas Attack 1

CDG Mata a Chofer de Autobús En Ciudad Fronteriza Durante Tiroteo

La organización terrorista conocida como el Cártel del Golfo ha vuelto a matar a una víctima inocente que quedó atrapada en medio de un tiroteo. El tiroteo fatal se produce pocos días después de que otros terroristas del Cártel del Golfo dispararan y mataran a una mujer y a sus dos nietos pequeños mientras dormían dentro de su casa mientras que afuera pistoleros rivales se estaban enfrentando.

Mexican authorities respond to the scene of a cartel shootout, after the fact. (Credit: Br

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Citizen, One Other Killed By Terrorist Cartel Landmine in Mexico near Texas Border

A Texas man and a friend he was traveling with in Mexico died when their vehicle exploded after driving over a cartel landmine. The fatal explosion comes after Breitbart Texas reported on prior explosions where innocents sustained injuries. The report forced Mexico’s government to confirm the issue and send out a series of notices warning locals about the use of cartel landmines on dirt roads in Tamaulipas.

Vehicle used by a Texas man who died after driving over a cartel landmine in Mexico. (Cred

EXCLUSIVA: Texano y Amigo Mueren Tras Explosión de Marco-Mina en Tamaulipas.

Un hombre de Texas y uno de los amigos con los que viajaba en México murieron cuando su vehículo explotó después de pasar sobre una mina terrestre dejada por el crimen organizado. La explosión fatal se produce después de que Breitbart Texas informara sobre explosiones anteriores en las que inocentes resultaron heridos, lo que obligó al gobierno de México a confirmar el problema y enviar una serie de avisos advirtiendo a la gente de Tamaulipas sobre el uso de minas terrestres por parte de los carteles que se disputan la región.

Vehicle used by a Texas man who died after driving over a cartel landmine in Mexico. (Cred

U.S. Consulate in Mexico Sends Out Travel Warning over Cartel IEDs After Breitbart Report

The U.S. Consulate in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, issued a travel warning about drug cartels using land mines and other explosive devices in key border cities in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas. After initially trying to conceal information about those devices and having previously tried to discredit previous alerts dealing with cartel kidnappings, the Tamaulipas government claimed to welcome the warnings and asked the public to be careful when moving through rural dirt roads.

Magazines and ammunition left behind by gunmen during an attack in Tamaulipas. (Credit: Br

Breitbart Report Leads to Official Warnings of Cartel Land Mines near Mexican Border

After trying to hide information, the government of the Mexican state of Tamaulipas was forced to issue a series of warnings about the widespread use of cartel land mines and explosive devices in the northern part of the state. The warnings followed initial reporting by Breitbart Texas of a government vehicle striking a makeshift landmine near the state’s border with the U.S.

Truck from Mexico's National Water Commision that went over a cartel landmine. (Breit

Texas Cities Plagued with Mexican Cartel Truck Thefts

The recent federal conviction and sentence of a man who tried to run over an FBI agent while driving a stolen truck into Mexico highlights a growing trend plaguing South Texas. Multiple cities are seeing a rise in the thefts of four-door SUVs and pickups that are taken into Mexico at the request of the Gulf Cartel. The criminal organization uses the trucks in their ongoing turf wars.

A suspect holds a woman at gunpoint in Brownsville during a carjacking. (Credit: Brownsvil

Mexican Judge Releases Cartel Boss Fighting Extradition to U.S.

A Mexican judge with a history of questionable rulings ordered the release of one of the leaders of the Gulf Cartel. The alleged crime boss is fighting a slew of charges and extradition to the U.S. However, thanks to the ruling, he was granted his release on bond. This particular cartel boss has a history of suspicious releases where authorities have dismissed his prior cases on technicalities. He has a pending criminal indictment in the U.S. filed by the Department of Justice.

Gulf Cartel Contador

EXCLUSIVA: Ejército y Federales Mexicanos Dejan Solos a Estatales Durante Tiroteo en Rio Bravo

Un grupo de pistoleros del Cártel del Golfo prendió fuego a un vehículo blindado de la policía estatal después de un violento tiroteo al sur de la frontera con Texas, donde superaban en número y armamento a un escuadrón de estatales. Los oficiales se vieron obligados a huir después de que las fuerzas militares y de la Guardia Nacional se negaran a responder a sus llamadas de ayuda.

A police armored vehicle set ablaze by cartel gunmen just south of the Texas border. (Cred

Mexican Cop Turned Gulf Cartel Cell Leader Arrested

A former special forces police officer in the state of Tamaulipas switched sides and became a cell leader within the Gulf Cartel. Most recently, the cop turned drug lord was behind most of the violence in the central part of Tamaulipas, particularly in the cities of Jimenez, Abasolo, and Soto La Marina.

Tamaulipas State Guard

Mexican Army Clashes with Gulf Cartel Gunmen After Drone Bombings

Mexican military forces clashed with Gulf Cartel gunmen in the border city of Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas. The clashes come after months of military forces avoiding direct conflict with gunmen. The shift in strategy comes after Gulf Cartel gunmen began using drones to drop explosive devices on rival gunmen and police forces in areas just south of the Texas border.

Mexican soldiers arrest a Gulf Cartel gunman. (Credit: Breitbart Texas / Cartel Chronicles

Cartel Gunmen Kidnap Mexican Border State Senator

A group of cartel gunmen kidnapped a Mexican border state senator and held him for hours, highlighting the control that criminal organizations continue to have in the state of Tamaulipas. The case details remain unknown, but relatives confirmed that the politician was home by Saturday morning. Unofficial information points to the gunmen releasing the politician, who made his way to a nearby house where he asked for help.

Mexican border state senator Vicente Verastegui. This week, cartel gunmen kidnapped him. (

Former Mexican Governor Lashes Out at Current Officials After Attempted Kidnapping of Son

A former border state governor in Mexico is lashing out at current authorities in Tamaulipas over their attempted coverup of a case where suspected cartel gunmen tried to take his son who was driving along a highway. The former governor claimed that the current state government has worked hand in hand with drug cartels, and the growing crime and lawlessness in the region is a reflection of that.

Tamaulipas Governor

Wild Speculation Follows Release of Gulf Cartel Supreme Leader-Los Zetas Founder

Speculation is running wild on both sides of the border following the release from prison of a man once known as the supreme leader of the Gulf Cartel and founder of Los Zetas. Some individuals were expecting him to return to his hometown and reclaim the reigns of his criminal organization. Others claimed he would stay in the U.S. under witness protection. The issue caused widespread speculation and rumors to spread like wildfire.

Breitbart Border / Cartel Chronicles