Bobby Jindal Suspends Presidential Campaign
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal announced Tuesday he is suspending his campaign for the Republican nomination for president.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal announced Tuesday he is suspending his campaign for the Republican nomination for president.
Jindal had previously sent a letter to President Obama demanding information about the Syrian refugees already entering Louisiana through New Orleans.
Remember back in January when Republican presidential candidate Bobby Jindal was savaged by the DC Media for criticizing the existence of European neighborhoods that the police have no control over — what are called “No-Go Zones.” Remember left-wing CNN blasting
In a letter to President Barack Obama, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal demanded information about the Syrian refugees entering his state via New Orleans.
GOP 2016 contender Bobby Jindal writes in a blog post Tuesday that the mass shootings experienced in the United States are a “symptom of deep and serious cultural decay in our society.”
In a court filing that appears to support Planned Parenthood’s lawsuit days before the Jindal administration and Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (PPGC) head to federal court over the decision, the DOJ said Jindal’s administration has not adequately shown why the abortion provider’s contract should be terminated, and that the decision violates laws that allow Medicaid patients to choose their own medical doctors, reports PPGC is asking the court for a temporary restraining order against the Jindal administration’s decision to cut its federal funding.
Gov. Bobby Jindal blasted Hillary Clinton’s comparison of Republican opponents of funding Planned Parenthood to “terrorists” Friday by urging her to “look in the mirror” at the fact that her foundation has raised money from countries that terrorize women.
Gov. Bobby Jindal has ordered flags at state buildings in Louisiana to be flown at half-staff to honor Trooper Steven Vincent, who died after being shot in the head during a traffic stop for a “suspected impaired driver.”
While on the campaign trail in Iowa, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s office said the 2016 contender will tell voters that blame for stock market losses lies entirely with President Obama, whose economic policies will ultimately “crash” America’s economy.
In a call to the Republican Party to “man-up” and boldly stand up for conservative principles, while instilling them into national policy, Jindal says the “bad news” is that Walker’s newly released proposal “provides universal coverage with a guarantee of government coverage for everyone.”
Six Republican presidential contenders met Wednesday in early-voting state New Hampshire to discuss education issues, including the hotly debated Common Core standards initiative.
“In a health care plan that is light on specifics, Governor Walker endorsed the fundamental underpinning of Obamacare – the notion that America needs another entitlement program,” Jindal said according to a press release from his campaign. “In Governor Walker’s plan, a new entitlement is created for every single American human being from the time they are born right up until they grow old and become eligible for Medicare…”
“Our nation’s top secrets could be on [Hillary Clinton’s] server,” Jindal told the crowd. “Question for service members: If you had been reckless with the nation’s secrets, what would have happened to you? Why should rules be different for Clinton?” he continued. “I’m tired of the political class thinking they’re on higher ground.”
A new report released by the libertarian Cato Institute finds that among the eight governors who are GOP candidates for president, only Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana has cut spending in his state.
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said during the GOP undercard debate Thursday that, unlike President Obama, he would first fight ISIS by actually naming the enemy.
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s administration says it is demanding answers from Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (PPGC) in light of the fifth undercover video revealing the director of research for that affiliate discussing the sale of intact aborted babies.
Dubbed the “Partners in Crime Plan,” Jindal’s proposal recommends that Congress “criminalize sanctuary city policies by making city officials that enact those policies as an accessory to the crimes committed by the illegal aliens those policies enabled.”
Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana has requested that his state’s Inspector General participate in an investigation into Planned Parenthood in the wake of the release of an undercover video that revealed the abortion giant has been engaged in the practice of harvesting aborted baby parts for sale.
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal announced Tuesday he is directing his state’s Department of Health and Hospitals to launch an investigation into Planned Parenthood. This comes on the heels of the release of an investigative video by pro-life group Center for Medical Progress depicting the abortion giant’s chief medical officer speaking about how to abort a baby intact to harvest its body parts for sale.
“I hope Secretary Clinton will evolve her views, as she has evolved on other issues, and come out against this very bad deal,” Jindal said, adding that the current administration could “start a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.”
Appearing on Fox News Sunday over the weekend while campaigning in Iowa, Jindal told host Bret Baier that Clinton is all about “feeding a greedier and greedier government that’s going to swallow up the private sector economy.”
Though the Republican Party claims to be the “pro-life” party, Politico reported Kirk, Collins, and Murkowski slithered up to pro-abortion Democrats to approve an amendment to the State Department appropriations bill that would permanently lift the restriction on funding organizations that provide abortions – one that President Ronald Reagan’s administration put in place.
According to a press release containing some of Jindal’s prepared remarks, the Republican governor of Louisiana – which has been named as the most pro-life state in the nation – will blast the Republican Party “smart guys” for failing to adhere to a commitment to pro-life policies, portraying the pro-life base, instead, as a “distraction.”
In a press release sent to Breitbart News, Jindal slammed Obama for failing to put forward a strategy to defeat ISIS and for his statement, “ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas. President Obama is the most clueless president of my lifetime,” Jindal said. “President Obama actually suggested you can talk about ‘ideas’ with terrorists who execute those who don’t agree with them.”
Most Republicans were critical of the decision and expressed deep concerns that religious liberty granted by the First Amendment would not be subservient to the Court’s ruling.