Exclusive — Bishop Aubrey Shines: White Liberals Think Blacks Are Too Stupid to Obtain Voter ID
Leftists view black people as lacking the necessary intelligence to obtain photo identification, Bishop Aubrey Shines told Breitbart News.

Leftists view black people as lacking the necessary intelligence to obtain photo identification, Bishop Aubrey Shines told Breitbart News.
Paternalism from left-wing white people towards black people is “racist,” said Bishop Aubrey Shines, founder and pastor of G2G Ministries in Tampa Bay, FL, and founder of Conservative Clergy of Color, offering his remarks on Wednesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.
Support for the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is tanking in battleground Minnesota, a new polling memorandum obtained exclusively by Breitbart News demonstrates.
Bishop Aubrey Shines discussed left-wing paternalism towards blacks while attributing “systemic racism” to the Democrat Party.
The Conservative Clergy of Color took Google to task in a statement slamming the Internet giant over its “deliberate censorship” of conservatives.
Bishop Aubrey Shines commented on Oprah Winfrey campaigning for Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, urging black voters in Georgia to not vote for her based on identity politics.
A coalition of some 800 black pastors representing two million congregants held a press conference on Thursday at the National Press Club to push House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) to censure Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) for encouraging people to confront members of President Donald Trump’s administration.
Bishop Aubrey Shines says Fox News host Laura Ingraham is right to challenge Cleveland Cavaliers star LeBron James over his constant criticism of President Donald Trump, and argues that the NBA star should be applauding the president for bringing economic gains to black Americans.
Evangelical Bishop Aubrey Shines says the controversy over reports that President Donald Trump called Haiti and other African countries ‘shithole countries’ is a distraction from the truth that the poverty and corruption in some regions of the world is an actual cause for concern.
Evangelical Bishop Aubrey Shines offers facts and a historical explanation what he calls “The Palestinian Myth,” and praised President Donald Trump for his historic decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Evangelical Bishop Aubrey Shines says the same liberal Democrats who are outraged today over President Donald Trump’s border wall proposal weren’t incensed when then-Senator Barack Obama voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006.
Evangelical Bishop Aubrey Shines, head pastor at Tampa, Florida’s Glory to Glory Church, is calling on Congress to pass pro-small business tax cuts.
Evangelical Bishop Aubrey Shines blasted the NFL players protesting during the National Anthem, demanding that they stop being ‘stooges and pawns’ for a Democratic Party and a news media ‘that incites a fake news narrative.’
Evangelical Bishop Aubrey Shines slammed Jesse Jackson’s “shameful” assertion that President Donald Trump “would not qualify to get into Jesus’ kingdom.”
Evangelical Bishop Aubrey Shines says President Donald Trump’s policy barring transgender people from the U.S. armed forces was a necessary reversal of Obama’s “forced monstrosity,” was not bigoted or controversial, and was the correct decision in terms of cost effectiveness and combat readiness.
Evangelical Bishop Aubrey Shines, an outspoken Donald Trump supporter, took the stage and stirred up the crowd of more than twenty thousand at the MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheater Monday night to rally for the Republican presidential nominee.
Evangelical Bishop Aubrey Shines, an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, says the Republican presidential nominee is ready to lead black and Latino voters away from the Democratic party of slavery, welfare, and abortion.