
Jeff Flake: Trump Using Contested 2020 Election Similar to How He Used Birtherism

Friday during an appearance on PBS’s “NewsHour,” former Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) accused President Donald Trump of using sentiment of some Republicans regarding the 2020 presidential election in a similar way that he used the theory of President Barack Obama birth not having occurred in the United States, which some believed raised questions about his eligibility to be president.

Senate Judiciary Committee member Jeff Flake (R-AZ) speaks during a hearing on Capitol Hil

Joe Arpaio on DACA: Send Them Back, then Fast-Track Them Here

Arizona’s former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio told a fundraiser in Fresno, California, on Friday evening that the best solution for beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program would be to send them back to their countries of origin and allow them to apply to immigrate legally through a fast-tracked process.

CLEVELAND, OH - JULY 21: Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio gestures to the crowd as he de

Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager Admits 2008 Birther Link

Patti Solis Doyle, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager in 2008 until the Iowa caucuses, admitted on Friday that a Clinton campaign staffer had, in fact, circulated the Birther conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was born outside the U.S. and therefore potentially ineligible to serve in the presidency.

Patti Solis Doyle (Charles Rex Arbogast / Associated Press)

Guess Who’s Also a Natural Born Citizen?

His mother was a U.S. citizen at the time of his birth, though his father was not. Under U.S. law at the time, he was automatically a U.S. citizen. And according to the most widely-accepted interpretation of the U.S. Constitution’s “natural-born citizen” requirement, the populist, conservative leader is also eligible to run for President of the United States.

Hazem Salah Abu-Ismail (Amr Nabil / Associated Press)

Why Ted Cruz Is Vulnerable on Canadian Birth Issue

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump attacked his main internal rival, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), on Tuesday, noting that Cruz’s Canadian birth could be “very precarious” for Republicans: “Republicans are going to have to ask themselves the question: ‘Do we want a candidate who could be tied up in court for two years?’”

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (L) pats U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) after a