birth rate - Page 2

China Records Lowest Birth Rate in Modern History in 2021

Data released by China’s National Bureau of Statistics on Monday showed births running only slightly ahead of deaths in 2021, providing further evidence that the Chinese population has stalled out at 1.413 billion and might already be declining – a fearsome prospect for an economic system designed on the assumption of stable or steadily-increasing population.

HUAINAN, CHINA - OCTOBER 01: Nurses take care of babies who were born on the National Day

Census Shows China Inching Towards World’s Lowest Fertility Rate

China’s National Bureau of Statistics published the results of its 2020 national census Tuesday, revealing one of the most modest population increases in the country’s history and prompting panic in Chinese government media that the nation would soon have the world’s lowest fertility rate.

ZHANGJIAKOU, CHINA - OCTOBER 01: (CHINA OUT) A nursing worker takes care of new-born babie

Russia’s Population Drops to 15-Year Low

Russia’s population dropped by over half a million people between January 2020 and January 2021, the country’s Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) revealed on Thursday. The drop is the largest on record since 2005.

A man wearing a protective facemask walks on Red Square in downtown Moscow on February 19,

China’s Birth Rate Falls to Almost 60-Year Low

According to data compiled by the Chinese government and released by its National Bureau of Statistics on Friday, the birth rate in 2019 fell to a level not seen since 1961. That still worked out to 14.65 million babies, however, so the population now exceeds 1.4 billion and is still growing.
