Bill Nelson - Page 3

Key Facts for Gorsuch Confirmation Fight

WASHINGTON—As senators prepare to vote on the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court, the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday highlighted several key facts to the public to inform the nationwide discussion as the Senate increasingly appears headed to a historic outcome one way or the other.


Rubio Doubles-Down on H-1B Increase Amid Microsoft Layoffs

During a speech in Chicago last week, Rubio emphasized the false narrative that a lack of skilled American workers is the cause of these massive layoffs, using the phrase “skills gap” as his hook; a code phrase which is also employed by Microsoft, Southern California Edison and other companies. In reality, there is a surplus, not shortage, of skilled U.S. workers and not enough STEM jobs to accommodate these citizens.


Will Allen West Run For Higher Office?

Much has been made about former Congressman Allen West’s recent statement that he would “consider” running for higher office, fueling the speculation that he would run for President. West has been hinting a run for office for sometime now, but

Will Allen West Run For Higher Office?

Charlie Crist, Loser Of The Week, or Year?

The Tampa Bay Times has given Republican-turned-Democrat Charlie Crist the dubious honor of “Loser of the week,” after his campaign manager, Bill Hyers, and press secretary, both bailed on him. Rumor still has it from that last time we posted

Schumer Seeks to Extend Ban on 3D Guns

The federal law that bans 3D guns is set to expire on December 9, and Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is seeking an extension of the law.  Schumer is alarmed that anyone with $1000 and access to the Internet can obtain

Nelson Wants Obamacare Website Contractors To Have Fingers Burned

Florida’s Democratic Senator, Bill Nelson, expressed his outrage and anger towards those Obamacare website contractors during HHS Kathleen Sebelius’ Senate hearings, who he feels “screwed the pooch,” and are responsible for the websites failures.  During his questioning of Sebelius, Nelson

McCain Throws Cruz Under Bus During Hagel Hearing

Senator John McCain not-so-ambiguously chided his colleague today in the Armed Services Committee. Senator Bill Nelson leveled a charge at Senator Ted Cruz saying that he questioned the patriotism of Secretary of Defense Nominee Chuck Hagel during his rejection statement.

McCain Throws Cruz Under Bus During Hagel Hearing