Benny Martinez - Page 3


Muchas de las personas más caritativas en EE.UU. piensan que están ayudando a los pobres de América Latina al dejar abierta nuestra frontera del suroeste entre los puertos de entrada, pero no lo hacen. Muchas de las organizaciones criminales transnacionales (cárteles) que operan en Centroamérica y México se estima obtienen un tercio o más de sus ganancias de la inmigración ilegal. En concreto, dos grupos abajo de Texas, los cárteles del Golfo y Los Zetas, se alimentan en gran medida del tráfico y la trata de seres humanos.

Mexican man left to die in fields of Brooks County. (File Photo: Breitbart Texas/Bob Price

Rape Trees, Dead Migrants and the Consequences of an Unsecured Border

Many of the most caring people in the U.S. think they are helping the poor from Latin America by leaving our Southwest border unsecured between ports-of-entry, but they are not. Several of the transnational criminal organizations (cartels) operating in Central America and Mexico make an estimated one-third or more of their profits from illegal immigration. Specifically, two groups below Texas, the Gulf and Los Zetas cartels, are largely fueled by the trafficking and smuggling of human beings.

Body of Dead Migrant in Brooks County, Texas.

Project Aims to Identify Migrant Bodies Found in Texas Border Region

Crossing our southwest border from Mexico into the US is no easy task. It is also all to often a deadly proposition; if your coyote (human smuggler) doesn’t kill you or leave you for dead, the brutal desert environment will. As the number of illegal immigrant bodies discovered in Texas has grown, so has the concern of civic groups who want to help prevent these deaths.


Border Patrol Agents Rescue Pregnant Woman and 36 Immigrants 80 Miles from Texas Border

Border Patrol agents operating in Brooks County (Falfurrias) rescued a pregnant woman and a man who were lost in the brush. In a separate incident, agents at the Falfurrias checkpoint rescued 36 undocumented aliens who were being smuggled in a refrigerated trailer. The discovery of the shivering immigrants was made after a Border Patrol K-9 alerted agents.

Immigrants in Refrigerated Trailer - Photo CBP

Dead Illegal Immigrant with Gold Grill Found in Texas Ranch

The remains of yet another illegal immigrant was found in Brooks County, eighty miles from the Texas-Mexico border. This unidentified immigrant is unique in that he has distinctive gold dental work, including a gold star on his front tooth. The remains

Unidentified deceased immigrant #5 for 2015 in Brooks County. Discovered Photo by Brooks C

Breitbart Texas Witnesses Skeleton of Illegal Migrant, Death Toll Rises

The death march through Brooks County, Texas claimed the life of yet another illegal immigrant. A human skull and the decomposed skeletal remains are all that is left of a person who decided to come to this country illegally. A total of 42 bodies have been found this year in the desert-like ranch fields surrounding the town of Falfurrias.

Brooks County Sheriff Benny Martinez responds to call about a deceased migrant near Falfur