Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) - Page 3

Senate Expert Witness: ‘China Cannot Fund a Truly Global’ Belt and Road

WASHINGTON, DC — The overall breadth and scope of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and China’s capacity to execute it, have been “exaggerated,” an expert witness from a conservative think-tank testified before a Senate panel on Wednesday, dismissing Beijing’s ongoing effort as a “red herring.”

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with South Korea's national security director Chung Eui

Italy Criticized for Joining China’s Belt and Road Project

Pressure is mounting against Italian Prime Minister Guiseppe Conte to refrain from signing aboard China’s Belt and Road infrastructure project next week when Chinese President Xi Jinping visits Italy. Beyond the political ramifications of Italy aligning itself with China, and perhaps finding itself on the business end of Chinese debt colonialism, analysts warn Conte has not fully considered the financial aspects of the arrangement.

Italian PM calls for EU solidarity on migration

China Launches ‘Belt and Road’ Research Center in Egypt

China on Sunday inaugurated a research center in Cairo, Egypt, affiliated with Beijing’s ambitious multi-trillion dollar Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) that the United States believes is being used as a predatory lending practices vehicle to bury nations across the continent in debt and undermine their sovereignty.

Egypt probes images of naked couple atop pyramid

Chinese ‘Belt and Road’ Loans Cause Debt Crisis in Pakistan

The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday that Pakistan is facing a debt crisis due to the enormous loans it has taken out for the Orange Line, an elevated railway in Lahore that is only the first installment in China’s $62 billion plan to bring its “Belt and Road” infrastructure initiative to Pakistan.

Pakistan labourers arrange a welcome billboard featuring the Chinese and Pakistani nationa