BBC - Page 4

BBC Celebrates 15-Year-Old Drag Queen

The British Broadcasting Company (BBC) published a puff piece celebrating a 15-year-old student who began developing his drag act at 13, is supported by his parents and teachers, and who longs to drop out of school to do “gig after gig” full-time.

A drag queen joins protesters against the UK visit of US President Donald Trump as they ga

Delingpole: Prince Charles Is a Blithering Green Idiot

Obviously this is a headline that could have been written any time in at least the last 30 years. But someone needs to remind the toxic, airheaded nincompoop that he doesn’t speak for all of us. And since no one is going to say this anywhere in the fawning, worthless and obsolete legacy media, I guess the job will have to fall to me…


BBC Appoints Anti-Brexit Establishment Journo for Top Job

The BBC has appointed the former editor of the left-wing HuffPost UK, who shared social media posts critical of Brexit and Boris Johnson, despite the corporation’s new director-general Tim Davie having said impartiality and representing the views of all Britons should be prioritised.

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - OCTOBER 22: People walk near the entrance to BBC Broadcasting Hou