Bashar al-Assad - Page 37

Cyber-War In Syria: How Assad Hacked the Rebellion

Cyber-war is everywhere, most assuredly including the conflicts where physical bullets and bombs are flying. The struggle to topple the Assad regime in Syria, for example, has been “marked by a very active, if only sporadically visible, cyberbattle that has engulfed all sides,” according to a weekend article at the New York Times.

REUTERS/Kacper Pempel/Files

World View: Hezbollah Backs Down from War with Israel

Hezbollah backs down from war with Israel; Clashes between Nusra front and Free Syrian Army spreading in Syria; Jundallah takes credit for massive mosque attack in Pakistan; Egypt’s military begins ‘wide military offensives’ in North Sinai; Greece clashes with eurogroup ‘No more bailout, no more troika!’; In Denmark you are now paid to take out a mortgage

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah

World View: Belgium Police Raid Multiple Groups of Returning Syrian Jihadists

Belgium police raided ten locations where it was suspected that home-grown jihadists returning from Syria were planning terror acts. One location was in the town of Verviers, where two suspected terrorists were killed after a shootout, and the others were spread across the capital city Brussels, which is also the capital city of the European Union.


Turkey Halts Reporting on Weapon Transfers to Syria Rebels

Turkey banned all media, including social networks, from reporting claims that the nation’s intelligence agency sent weapons to the rebels in Syria in 2014. Documents alleging this contradict Turkish government claims they do not aid the rebels, but only sent humanitarian aid.

AP Photo via Militant Website

Report: Syrian Battalion Forms Suicide Bomber Platoon

A video recently surfaced that allegedly shows a branch of the Syrian army forming a platoon of suicide bombers. The video, uncovered and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) on December 30, has not been independently verified outside of MEMRI experts.
