Barbara Boxer - Page 6

Daily Gut: Barney Frank's Heroic Stand Against Tyranny

So Barney Frank finally found someone he could beat in a debate. The Congressman was speaking at a town committee meeting at Dartmouth, Massachusetts, when a crazy lady approached the microphone with a quivering rant – linking Obama’s health care

Boxer's Book Signings: Bold, Open Forums

Now look, as one artist to another, I was determined to leave Barbara Boxer’s book signing events for Blind Trust off-limits. Considering her intellectual gifts, many of you might still be surprised that she would stoop to the political thriller

Daily Gut: Plants

So you remember Barbara Boxer’s attack on the townhall protesters, calling them disruptive “plants,” because they were too well dressed to be protesters. She had a point: they were well dressed. And most protesters of the lefty persuasion are not–a

Obama's Six-Month Report Card

It has been six months since the Administration took office and the far left have taken complete control of the government. Has our capitalist past been improved upon? Or, is the socialism we have had thrust upon us making us

Barbara Boxer: A Bad Actor

Barbara Boxer’s snippy confrontation with Brigadier General Michael Walsh on Capitol Hill on June 16, 2009 (Don’t call me “Ma’am,” call me “Senator”) wasn’t a display of a lack of proper military respect for Boxer, it was an open display

Wanted: A Vaccine for Liberalism

Whenever I have suggested that left-wingers aren’t normal human beings, and have wondered if perhaps they’re some weird interplanetary life form like the pods in “Invasion of the Body Snatchers,” the liberals accuse me of indulging in ad hominem attacks,

Angels, Demons & Democrats

How much of the box office of “Angels & Demons” will end up in the Democrat campaigns? If it makes money, it could be a lot. Tom Hanks, the star of “Angels & Demons”, endorsed Barack Obama, claiming he represents

Paul Rodriguez: 'The fish lives and the farmers die.'

Paul Rodriguez wants water – and he’s angry enough to get some One wouldn’t immediately associate comedian and actor Paul Rodriguez with a serious issue such as water. But, as Mark Twain said: “Whiskey is for drinking; water is for

Thoughts on the Don Henley Lawsuit

Since yesterday evening, when news of lawsuit filed against me by aging liberal rockers Don Henley and Mike Campbell first broke, online comments to me have been running hot and heavy. Fairly emblematic of the “fan” mail: “i hope you

Barbara Boxer: All She Wants to Do is Tax

All She Wants to Do is Tax! Music video parody of Barbara Boxer in time for the tea party rallies. Political parody has a long tradition in the West, with the First Amendment affording significant protections for political speech. In

DeVore vs. Henley: Round 3

Rocker Don Henley’s legal threats have shut down our rough cut April Fool’s music video Obama lampoon based on “The Boys of Summer” on both YouTube and on Orange County’s alternative newspaper, the O.C. Weekly. We’re responding with a counter-claim,