Barbara Boxer - Page 5

California Behind the Curve

Bad news for our west coast contingent, bad news for the country. While liberal economic policies have driven the state of California into the ground, the Golden State is sending Barbara Boxer back to Washington and Jerry Brown to the

Did Barbara Boxer Buy Maxine Waters' Endorsement Again?

As the Chair of the Senate Ethics Committee, and a 28-year inhabitant of Washington, DC, locked in a surprisingly tight race for re-election, one might expect Barbara Boxer to avoid controversial figures like the plague. But the challenges facing Boxer

How Many Child Pornographers Has Barbara Boxer Employed?

If someone were to ask you how many now convicted child pornographers Senator Barbara Boxer has employed, what would your answer be? My answer would have been none, before beginning an investigation into media double standards, as a result of

Fiorina Stands Up from Freedom; Slams 'Net Neutrality'

California Republican Senate hopeful Carly Fiorina Tuesday reaffirmed her opposition to the Federal Communications Commission’s bid to exert regulatory influence over the broadband industry, attesting in a web video to the onerous and “antiquated” regulations imposed on the tech industry.

Jerry Brown Mocks Vet's Concern about Code Pink Fundraiser

Democrat California gubernatorial nominee Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown mocked as ‘silly’ the concerns raised by a retired Marine Corps colonel about Brown attending a fundraiser at the home of terrorist supporter and Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans. Speaking to reporters

The Killer B's Will Give CA 16% Unemployment

Recently, I wrote an article stating that our national political discussion has moved beyond philosophy. Many voters think that government has lost any semblance of common sense when it comes to spending. Economically, the discussion lacks common sense as well

Jerry Brown Mocks Vet's Concern about Code Pink Fundraiser

Democrat California gubernatorial nominee Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown mocked as “silly” the concerns raised by a retired Marine Corps colonel about Brown attending a fundraiser at the home of terrorist supporter and Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans. Speaking to reporters

In California, Could a Blogger Unseat Barbara Boxer?

How low have Senator Barbara “Don’t Call Me Ma’am” Boxer’s fortunes sunk to these days? Low enough that the three-term liberal Democrat doesn’t poll better than 43% against any of her three possible Republican challengers. Low enough that her primary

Don Henley's Lawsuit Threatens Everyone's Free Speech

It’s been 11 months since I last wrote about big liberal donor Don Henley’s lawsuit against me for writing two music parodies and turning them into online campaign videos. I’ve long believed that conservatives ignore culture at their peril. Hollywood

Carly Fiorina Slams Boxer in New, Outrageous Video

Today, at the California Republican Party Convention in Santa Clara, California, Carly Fiorina is debuting yet another outrageous web video–this time slamming Sen. Barbara Boxer, who Fiorina seeks to replace this November. The web video–actually a lengthier “movie”–is featured at

REVIEW: Pick Up Burt Prelutsky's New Book

As a columnist and blogger, I get sent a lot of books from authors who hope that I’ll write a review praising their stuff. I try my best to read as many as possible, and I decline to review those

Total Makeover: ACORN Edition

Sometimes, the news coming out of Southern California is more entertaining than the movies coming out of Southern California. Last week the 37,000-member California state chapter of ACORN broke away from its national organization to form a new nonprofit group

ClimateGate: Facts Are Important Things

This week, diplomats from around the world are gathering in Copenhagen for the global climate change summit–an event that has been marked by controversy in the wake of the “climate-gate” scandal that has recently and rightly gained significant international media

Barbara Boxer's Cap-and-Trade Energy Tax Won't Work

What is Cap-and-Trade? Cap-and-Trade is a political scheme ostensibly aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions with the goal of reducing the global temperatures. With a Cap-and-Trade law in place, the government would set a yearly greenhouse gas emission target (carbon

Big Government the Wrong Answer on Health Care

Last weekend Democrats in the U.S. Senate took another step toward passing their government run healthcare legislation. The more we have come to learn about this legislation, the more we all have cause to be concerned about this plan. It