Barbara Boxer - Page 4

Speculation Continues that Senator Boxer May Retire After 2016

Back in early, November Breitbart News featured a story about the speculation that California’s junior United States Senator, Barbara Boxer, might retire. The piece opened: In 2016, U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) will be up for re-election for the fifth time. California’s

Speculation Continues that Senator Boxer May Retire After 2016

Hollywood Starts Hillary Fundraising Engine

Hollywood’s already launched a weekly, one-hour campaign commercial for Hillary in the form of the news series “Madam Secretary.” But that’s what’s known as an in-kind contribution. If Hillary’s going to deliver a third Obama term, she’s going to need

Hollywood Starts Hillary Fundraising Engine

Boxer May Drop 'Senator' for 'Ma'am'

The San Francisco Chronicle reports that all signs read stop for Sen. Barbara Boxer’s 2016 campaign. Boxer, 73, has not indicated whether she will run for re-election, but her campaign account has less than a paltry $200,000, as opposed to

Boxer May Drop 'Senator' for 'Ma'am'

Social Security Suspends Program To Collect Old Debts

The Social Security Administration has suspended a program which allowed to to seize thousadns of tax refunds in an effort to recoup previous over-payments made. They had previously identified about 400,000 individuals with old debts of approximately $714 million. A 2008

Boxer: GOP Committing 'Domestic Abuse'

Sen. Barbara Boxer vilified the GOP on Monday by comparing them to domestic abusers. She was speaking of the government shutdown and the debt limit deadline fast approaching when she said:  I never questioned, never questioned the fact that Republicans,

Boxer: GOP Committing 'Domestic Abuse'

Boxer: GOP Like Domestic Abusers

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) on the Senate floor Monday. “When you start acting like you’re committing domestic abuse, you’ve got a problem, ‘I love you dear, but I’m shutting down your entire government. I love you dear, but I’m going

Boxer: GOP Like Domestic Abusers

Sen. Boxer: Raise Minimum Wage to $10 an Hour

On Monday, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) said she wants the federal minimum wage raised to $10 an hour. The current minimum wage is $7.25 an hour.  “We need to raise the minimum wage. That will make a huge difference. …People

Sen. Boxer: Raise Minimum Wage to $10 an Hour

Sen. Boxer Again Tells Filthy Filner to Resign

Senator Barbara Boxer released a letter today addressed to Mayor Filner, again asking him to resign his office.  Boxer joins several Democrats, both of local and national notoriety, who have asked Filner to resign. (Although the Democrats want Filner to resign,

Boxer: Redirect Border Funds for Immigrant Health Care

Sen. Barbara Boxer is planning an amendment to the Senate’s immigration bill which would redirect funds committed to border security to reimburse state and local governments providing health care to newly legalized immigrants. Boxer plans to take $250 million, and

Boxer: Redirect Border Funds for Immigrant Health Care

San Onofre Nuke Plant to Close After Bitter Fight

(AP) – The demise of California’s San Onofre nuclear power plant began with an attempt to fix it. A $670 million equipment swap in 2009 and 2010 went haywire, leaving Southern California Edison on Friday with two idle reactors, more

San Onofre Nuke Plant to Close After Bitter Fight

Sen. Barbara Boxer to Hold Weekly 'Open Forums' on Climate Change

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) will hold weekly “open forums” on climate change next year, and she hopes Republicans and Democrats will participate in the “climate change clearinghouse” to discuss potential global warming legislation.  “We are going to review the latest

Sen. Barbara Boxer to Hold Weekly 'Open Forums' on Climate Change

Boxer Has Tough Fight In Environmental Hearing

From the Washington Free Beacon: It was supposed to be a hearing about the Environmental Protection Agency’s requested 2013 budget… During opening statements at the hearing, Sen. Jim Inhofe (R., Okla.) and Sen. Barbara Boxer (D., Calif.) traded jabs over

Boxer Has Tough Fight In Environmental Hearing

MALDEF: The Common Line of Controversy

California State and Local Redistricting Commissions Drawing Fire Over Controversies The non-partisan California Citizen’s Redistricting Commission is supposed to draw lines for new State Assembly, Senate and U.S. Congressional districts that evenly and fairly distribute the political balance of power

Congressman: Don't Name Navy Ship After Cesar Chavez!

Following up on our earlier report, we are glad to pass along this from the Marine Corps Times: “SAN DIEGO — The Navy’s purported decision to name a new cargo ship after the late civil rights leader and union activist

Big Dupes: Planned Parenthood Progressives

This is the latest in a series of exclusive interviews with Dr. Paul Kengor, professor at Grove City College, on his latest work, Dupes: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century, based on a shocking volume of declassified