Barack Obama - Page 5

EXCLUSIVE: ZOA Slams ‘Monstrous’ Obama for Legitimizing ‘Unspeakable Hamas Horrors’

Barack Obama is a “monstrous and dangerous Jew-hater and Israel-hater who must be condemned, deligitimized, and removed from polite society.” That was the verdict delivered Tuesday by Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) head Morton Klein, who accused the former president of “falsely and outrageously legitimizing the unspeakable Hamas horrors” with his “grotesque, antisemitic, and dangerous” remarks against Israel all while being “the primary person making decisions for the Biden administration.”

BERLIN, GERMANY - APRIL 06: Former U.S. President Barack Obama speaks to young leaders fro

Nolte: Democrats Tolerate Those Who Celebrate Savagery Against Jewish Children

Let’s say that Hamas was fighting a war against Israel, and by “war,” I mean a war-war, not a terrorist campaign. On one side, you would have Israel defending its territory. On the other, you would have Hamas looking to conquer Israel. Both sides are in uniform. Both sides are focused on wiping out the other’s capacity to make war.

Palestinians in the West Bank city of Nablus celebrate on October 7, 2023, after fighters