“Assault Weapons” - Page 15

5 Worst Gun Controls

A major tenet for Democrats at the state and federal level is gun control, and one would not be wrong for observing that the kind of gun control pushed is often similar — if not identical — to past or existing gun controls that have failed to deliver the reduction in death and violence promised.

Emma Solorzano, 13, of Jefferson, holds a sign saying Gun Free Zones Make Me a Target at a

Kasich’s Second Amendment Problem

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Governor John Kasich’s hopes that he had overcome the anti-gun reputation he had earned for supporting the Clinton Gun Ban in 1993 may now be dashed, after he told two separate Sunday talk shows that he is considering nominating a Supreme Court justice who might abolish the Second Amendment.

Kasich Settle Down AP Matt Rourke

Justice Antonin Scalia Joined Justice Clarence Thomas in Opposing ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) refused last year to intercede and reverse a Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit ruling that upheld the “assault weapons” ban in Chicago’s Highland Park. Associate Justice Clarence Thomas dissented–Antonin Scalia joining him–suggesting that wordsmiths were finding categories of guns to ban by listing types of firearms outside those explicitly in focus in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008).

TIM SLOAN/AFP/Getty Images

Israel Aims for Sale of Uzi Submachine Gun Maker IMI

Israel aims to sell Uzi submachine gun maker Israel Military Industries (IMI) in the next few weeks, with defence contractor Elbit Systems seen as the likeliest buyer, according to the head of the country’s state ownership agency. “We hope to

Uzi submachine gun

Atlanta Paper Epitomizes Gun Grabbers’ Tactics In 2 Sentences Back-to-Back

On January 16, the Atlanta Progressive News (APN) used one sentence to explain a Democrat-proposed ban that will require owners to hand over “assault weapons” by the end of October 2016 and in the very next sentence mocked pro-gun citizens who “are already yelling that Democrats are trying to take their guns away.”

Getty Images

As Democrats Push ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Americans Push Back

House Democrats pushed an “assault weapons” ban on December 16 that included a prohibition against the manufacture of such weapons, and on that very day, an ABC News/Washington Post poll showed that the American people were pushing back and doing so in greater numbers than ever before.

Colt AR-15, now legal with a bayonet mount, flash suppressor, collapsible stock and a high