Ann Coulter - Page 18

'Weekly Standard': David Mamet – A F***ing Republican

Playwright, screenwriter, novelist, and Pulitzer Prize Winner David Mamet has a book of essays coming out June 2nd, The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture. The fact that Amazon recommends it next to Ann Coulter’s upcoming “Demonic” and

Why Do We Keep Bowing Down To Islam?

The following is a statement released by General David Petraeus and and NATO Ambassador Mark Sedwill: KABUL, Afghanistan (April 3, 2011) – In view of the events of recent days, we feel it is important on behalf of ISAF [i.e.,

Did Harvard Help Manufacture Alleged LGBT Hate Crime?

When news first broke of an alleged LGBT-based hate crime at Harvard University, Harvard and the usual suspects on the Left were quick to cry bias, or hate crime. However, new facts and some curious unanswered questions are raising troubling

Who CAIRs?

All over the planet, Islamic extremists are plotting the murder of Americans by blowing airplanes out the sky. “Aviacide” seems to be the preferred method of terror by these hateful idiots whose minds have been poisoned by jihad. In recent

Daily Gut: Extinction Appreciated

So, according to scientists, conservationists have been pumping up the number of extinct species – and that a third of all missing critters in recent centuries are still alive and pooping. According to one pointy-head, of the 187 mammal species

MoDo, D'Souza and the Shame of the New York Times

We all know by now how the left reacts to the presence of the truth: the screaming, the name-calling, the hysterical slander; the way they designate the craziest Koran-burning, abortionist-shooting nutcase they can find to represent the right; the way

Brave Newt World Kills Gaga MoDo's Obama Mojo

In her latest Hail Mary effort to replace the flag of conservative Reason with the flag of liberal Emotion, Maureen Dowd goes talons-out for Newt Gingrich, for “making outrageous, unsubstantiated comments to appeal to the wing nuts among us. ”

CNN Misses Primary Boat, Sails On With King & Maher

The last-place cable news network, CNN, is the channel Wolf Blizter regularly calls “the place for politics.” It also operates a website with the motto, “all politics, all the time.” So you would expect the outlet to offer only the

Daily Gut: Racism, Racism, Racism

In my opinion, the story of Shirley Sherrod isn’t about racism, but accusations of racism. If someone says they aren’t racist, and without any physical evidence to the contrary, you should take them at their word. Unfortunately, we’ve seen that

Daily Gut: Intolerance, Rage and Intolerant Rage

So last week, a Muslim protestor who vandalized a war memorial in England, walked free after prosecutors said his crimes weren’t religiously motivated. His actions? Spray-painting “Islam will dominate the world,” “Osama is on his way” and “kill Gordon Brown.”

CNN's Sanchez: Coulter 'Exemplifies the Hardline Spirit of CPAC'

NewsBusters: On Monday’s Rick’s List, CNN’s Rick Sanchez painted Ann Coulter and CPAC as “hardline.” Sanchez also implied that the CPAC attendees were hypocritically cheering Dick Cheney: “I invited Ann Coulter, who exemplifies the hardline spirit of CPAC…and asked her

Daily Gut: Socialism and Stuff

So a new Gallup poll just came out, reporting that socialism was viewed positively by more than one-third of Americans. That’s a lot of people, if you could call them that. But I’m not surprised. Think about it for a

For Liberty Lovers 'We The Living' Arrives on DVD

An extraordinary film just came out on DVD which couldn’t be more timely. It’s about a fiercely outspoken, beautiful woman trapped in a country rapidly descending into socialism, with the government steadily ratcheting up control over all aspects of life.

Michael Moore Goes After…Himself?

Last weekend, Michael Phillips and A.O. Scott reviewed, among other films, Michael Moore’s latest farce, “Capitalism: A Love Story.” I don’t know their track records or political leanings, but Phillips for one noticed that Michael Moore is growing tiresome. He

Ignorance = 'It Ain't No More, Okay?'

In this painting, the meek are those who are easily led, ignorance is a tool used against them and red represents the communist countries that should have erased all doubt by now about the abysmal failures they have proven to