Milo & Ann: Gays For Hillary Are Nuts
Conservative commentator Ann Coulter appeared on The Milo Yiannopoulos Show this week to discuss the Clinton email scandal and why so many gay people still support the Democratic candidate.
Conservative commentator Ann Coulter appeared on The Milo Yiannopoulos Show this week to discuss the Clinton email scandal and why so many gay people still support the Democratic candidate.
“I’m giving you a lifetime fag pass, so if you ever get in trouble for calling someone gay, you come to me and I’ll set them right”
Ann Coulter appeared on The Milo Show this week to discuss Donald Trump, the future of the #NeverTrump movement.
My vice presidential prediction is: Trump is about to make his first mistake. I knew this would happen as soon as he hired campaign consultants, rather than relying on his gut. If these campaign consultants were any good, their first piece of advice to Trump would be, “Fire us immediately!”
This week’s episode of The Milo Yiannopoulos Show features conservative commentator, columnist, and author Ann Coulter in her second appearance on the show.
In an exclusive interview back in February, best-selling author Ann Coulter told Breitbart News that the Obama administration would not indict Hillary Clinton over the national security scandal involving her use of an insecure private server for her emails while
How’d you like to be running a presidential campaign dependent on Muslims not acting up again between now and Nov. 8? It’s getting awfully hard for the media to keep being indignant about Trump’s proposed Muslim ban, as long as Muslims keep blowing things up and shooting people.
PASADENA — Conservative commentator and bestselling author Ann Coulter duked it out against progressive CNN political pundit and former Obama administration “green jobs czar” Van Jones at this year’s “Politicon” convention.
The media have lost their minds after Trump’s magnificent speech on Monday. It’s all hands on deck, no attack is too extreme. Their main point is: DO NOT LOOK AT THAT SPEECH. It has “words that wound.” Much too dangerous even to read it.
The entire media — and most of the GOP — have spent 10 months telling us that Mexicans in the United States are going to HATE Trump for saying he’ll build a wall. Now they’re outraged that Trump thinks one Mexican hates him for saying he’ll build a wall.
The reason California can’t elect a Republican statewide isn’t that Hispanics got even madder at Republicans since Proposition 187. It’s that they’re a much larger part of the electorate, thanks to: (1) Reagan’s amnesty; and (2) the ACLU running to a Jimmy Carter-appointed judge to get Proposition 187 overturned.
In between goosing the crowd during her introduction of presumptive Republican presidential nominee and Golden Wrecking Ball Donald Trump, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin incited the hooting crowd against President Obama by telling a string of lies about his speech, and for good measure, referred to one of the great human tragedies in history as America “put(ting) a boot in yer ass!”
In a campaign season with lots of surprises, how’s this for a wild prediction? It would never happen, of course, but pull up a chair and indulge me.
In an interview with BBC Radio 4 on Wednesday, conservative columnist Ann Coulter, author of “¡Adios America! The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole,” stressed discussed the candidacy of presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump and the issue of
In a campaign built on lies, it should not be a surprise that the central theme of Hillary’s campaign is the biggest lie of all.
Ann Coulter, author of “Adios, America” said that presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump “is the heart and soul of the party” and “there’s no point in meeting” with Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and “these generals without armies” on Tuesday’s edition
HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher argued that the nomination of Donald Trump as the GOP’s presidential candidate shows “the Republican Party has gotten over their obsession” with social “wedge issues” on Friday. Maher said, “I think the Republican Party
Columnist and author of “Adios, America,” Ann Coulter declared House Speaker Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) “the next Eric Cantor” on Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time.” Coulter said of Ryan, “He is so hated by the base. … He’s the
Columnist and author of “Adios, America,” Ann Coulter said that the “sore losers” in the Republican Party over Donald Trump clinching the nomination “know how I feel when [Sen. John] McCain (R-AZ) was running” but that “I wasn’t as much
Back on June 19, 2015, conservative columnist Ann Coulter nearly a year before Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump emerged as the party’s likely presumptive nominee, said that Trump (of all the declared candidates at the time) had the best shot
A guy just won the Republican nomination for president by spending no money, hiring no pollsters, running virtually no TV ads, and just saying what he truly believed no matter how many times people told him he couldn’t say that.
Apparently, John Kasich and Ted Cruz are at their most appealing when no one is paying attention to them, which, conveniently, is most of the time.
So that you won’t be fooled by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow claiming Second Amendment supporters were celebrating the Oklahoma City bombing this week — as she has on April 19 in years past — Tuesday was the anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord, a date all Americans used to know.
Ann Coulter writes that Sen. Ted Cruz is like Reese Witherspoon’s “Election” character Tracy Flick: “He believes he deserves to win, God chose him to win — and if he starts to lose, well, then he’ll cheat. Victory goes to the pushy.”
Congratulations to Ted Cruz for winning his fourth primary! Usually Donald Trump wins the primaries — where you go and vote, like in a real election. Cruz wins the caucuses — run by the state parties, favored by political operators and cheaters.
The only question for Republicans is: Which candidate can win states that Mitt Romney lost? Start with the fact that, before any vote is cast on Election Day, the Democrats have already won between 90 and 98 percent of the
Two of Donald Trump’s most vocal supporters go head-to-head on the GOP frontrunner’s “crass” tweets.
The South Carolina senate passed a bill which would make refugee sponsors liable for damages caused by crimes or terrorism committed by the refugees they sponsored. The vote came just one day after terrorists attacked the airport in Brussels, murdering 38 people, including 4 Americans.
It’s as if the government were dumping rats in our houses, and then, whenever someone died of the plague, those same government officials issued heartfelt condolences, Twitter lit up with sympathetic hashtags and the Times editorialized about effective rodent control, but no one ever bothered to say, Hey! Maybe the government should stop putting rats in our houses!
Conservative movement professionals in Washington, D.C. are plotting to form a “blacklist” of Donald Trump supporters that they can kick out of the movement, never to return.
To the extent it’s still standing after yesterday, the Stop Trump movement is comforting itself with the world’s biggest lie: that John Kasich is the embodiment of the Republican Party, while Donald Trump is the bastard stepchild.
Ann Coulter called Ted Cruz and Fox News “traitors” for blaming Donald Trump for dangerous protesters shutting down a Friday-night rally in Chicago, blistering Trump’s primary rival on Twitter.
Ann Coulter takes on the latest hysteria gripping the media: Donald Trump is literally Hitler!
“If the Republican Party wasn’t just doing damage-control at the national level this week, a number of local elections also threw-up terrifying results. Just look at Texas,” cracked John Oliver on Last Week Tonight. Oliver then pinpoints to the vulgar, newly-elected Travis County, Texas, GOP chair who calls himself “Donald Trump on Steroids.”
Do they have TV sets at CNN? An Internet connection? I don’t work at a television network, but I saw Trump “disavow” David Duke a half-dozen times before Jake Tapper asked him to disavow Duke again last Sunday.
The cluelessness of the GOP pundit class is infuriating, but may ultimately be our salvation. Nothing they say about anything is ever right, even accidentally.
On Friday, the day before the South Carolina primary, Ann Coulter responded fiercely to answers Marco Rubio gave about racism when questioned at a CNN townhall only days before. Coulter accused Rubio of running an “anti-white campaign.”
In a CNN townhall, Marco Rubio may have raised eyebrows by siding with the common progressive claim that systemic racism in America’s police departments is victimizing black Americans.
Ann Coulter is blasting weak Republican governors who claim they have no power to resist the settlement of refugees in their states.
Donald Trump’s latest bombshell, claiming the Bush administration lied about weapons of mass destruction to get us into the Iraq War, is just him doing wheelies on the way to the nomination. He’s apparently decided it would be fun to taunt the entire GOP by demonstrating that he can say anything and his voters won’t care.