Mary Ann Mendoza: Politicians Enabling Illegal Alien ‘Invasion’ Are Helping Kill Americans ‘Every Single Day’
Politicians facilitating an “invasion” of illegal immigration are “contributing” to daily killings of Americas, said Mary Ann Mendoza.

Politicians facilitating an “invasion” of illegal immigration are “contributing” to daily killings of Americas, said Mary Ann Mendoza.
Angel Moms who lost their children to illegal alien crime are being honored on Mother’s Day and remembering their loved ones who made them mothers.
When her son’s alleged killer was deported from the United States this month, Angel Mom Wendy Corcoran said her family “knew early on that it was a real possibility” that they may never see justice in the courts.
Brandon Tatum said Democrat politicians “don’t care about black people or people in general” and use fake accents to pander to a group of people in an attempt to “get power and votes.”
Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX), a 2020 Democrat presidential candidate, says giving amnesty to all 11 to 22 million illegal aliens will make American citizens — and specifically, the Angel Families who have lost loved ones to illegal alien crime — “demonstrably safer” in the United States.
Angel families celebrated in the Oval Office with law enforcement and President Donald Trump as he signed his first veto to retain his border emergency declaration Friday.
For decades, voters have been lied to by politicians promising to crack down on immigration. We vote and we vote and we vote, and nothing ever changes. Wage-lowering, culture-destroying policies manage to appear in every bill Congress passes.
Friday while taking questions after his declaration of a national emergency President Donald Trump told chief White House correspondent for CNN Jim Acosta to “ask the Angel Moms” when Acosta questioned the need for an emergency. Trump continued, “Do you think I
President Donald Trump honored angel families during his Rose Garden emergency declaration Friday as he pointed to the deadly consequences of an unsecured border.
Angel families will be joined by current and former elected officials and pro-Trump groups Wednesday, calling on Congress to secure the border.
The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday gave victims of illegal alien crimes a bipartisan standing ovation on the floor of the chamber as House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy read out the names of Americans killed by illegal aliens in a lengthy speech.
President Donald Trump’s Super PAC America First Policies has launched a seven-figure ad buy targeting several top Democrats in Congress with a message from Angel Mom Michelle Root, whose daughter Sarah was murdered by an illegal alien in 2016.
Moms for America, a grassroots group that advocates for conservative pro-family policies, is holding a State of the Union event in D.C.
Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza, co-founder of Angel Families, says President Trump’s plan to secure $5.7 billion in border wall funding by offering a million illegal aliens and foreign nationals three-year work permits is a “brilliant move.”
Angel Mom Agnes Gibboney is blasting the hypocrisy of U.S. corporations who have vowed to help furloughed federal workers during the government shutdown, saying she “never” received an ounce of help when her son was murdered by an illegal alien.
Victims of illegal alien crime used House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office Tuesday to evidence that she used walls as a barrier, and it worked.
“Schumer wants the president to see the faces of those affected by the shutdown. Oh, my God. … When have Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi looked at our faces? … Never.”
Angel Moms Mary Ann Mendoza and Sabine Durden say when they stormed Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) Capitol Hill office on Tuesday, the Democrat congresswoman refused to “even fake” acknowledge their loved ones who were killed at the hands of illegal aliens.
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) says Democrats have “aided and abetted” the deaths of about 2,000 Americans every year at the hands of illegal aliens due to their support for open borders and mass illegal and legal immigration.
Angel families, American victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens, marched on Capitol Hill and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office Tuesday, along with legislators and Women for Trump.
A group of Angel Moms on Tuesday afternoon protested inside Capitol Hill office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who refused to meet with the grieving family members who lost loved ones to illegal aliens crime as Democrat leaders refuse to support a bill to fund a Southern U.S. border wall.
A group of Angel Moms on Tuesday are protesting inside Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) Capitol Hill office over the Democratic leader’s refusal to support legislation to fund a U.S.-Mexico border wall as the partial government shutdown continues.
Women for Trump are holding a press conference for border security on Capitol Hill Tuesday with families who have lost loved ones to illegal alien crime and the opioid epidemic.
Since January 1, neither CNN nor MSNBC has booked a single “Angel Mom” — mothers of children brutally murdered by illegal aliens — as guests on their networks, per an analysis conducted by the Republican National Committee (RNC).
Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” host Sean Hannity interviewed Angel Moms and Dad, those parents who lost a child as a result of an action by an illegal immigrant. Transcript as follows: SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS: You know, the
The older brother of 22-year-old Pierce Corcoran of Knoxville, Tennessee — who was allegedly killed by an illegal alien days before New Year’s Eve — is mourning the loss of his loved one, calling him “one hell of a young man.”
The mother of Mollie Tibbetts, the 20-year-old University of Iowa student allegedly murdered by an illegal alien, has welcomed a migrant teenager from Mexico into her home following her daughter’s death.
Angel Moms whose children have been murdered by illegal aliens living in the United States called out incoming House Speaker, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), asking them if they would support a border wall if it meant their loved ones would be saved from illegal alien crime.
Illegal immigration is top problem facing Americans, according to November’s Gallup survey that was released on Tuesday.
Each year since 2011, on the first Sunday of November, The Remembrance Project and other patriotic grassroots groups across America have observed their own National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens.
Angel families, Sheriffs, ranchers, and border community members in Arizona are gathering Saturday afternoon to bring attention to the porous southern United States border.
Angel Moms Mary Ann Mendoza and Vicki Lyon say they are fed up with the lack of progress to stop illegal immigration, telling SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily that Americans are “tired of being collateral damage” for open borders.
Angel Moms Mary Ann Mendoza and Vicki Lyon called out Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) lack of pushing President Trump’s pro-American immigration agenda through the Senate, telling him to “get off your duff” and take illegal immigration “seriously.”
White House counselor to the president, Kellyanne Conway, denied Friday she was the author of the anonymous “deep state” op-ed published by the New York Times.
Angel families who have lost loved ones to illegal alien crime were outraged Tuesday after authorities revealed that an illegal alien was announced as the alleged murderer of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbets.
Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza says Hollywood celebrities and politicians are “stepping over” the bodies of American men and women who have been killed by illegal aliens “on their way to fight” for illegal immigration.
Marvel director James Gunn has claimed that President Donald Trump secretly hopes for the murder of American citizens at the hands of illegal immigrants to help boost his popularity.
Steve Ronnebeck called out the media during a Friday afternoon White House event hosted by President Donald Trump, telling cameras and law enforcement gathered that he wished the media had the integrity that the President and other administration officials have.
Thousands cheered President Donald Trump in a Minnesota stadium Wednesday night as he blasted the media for avoiding coverage of Americans who have lost loved ones to illegal alien crime.
This so-called “migrant child separation crisis” is as phony and manufactured as the Russian collusion hoax, a ginned up controversy fabricated by the media to blot out President Trump’s success with North Korea, a booming economy, and to distract from the nuclear fallout that came via the Inspector General report on our disgraced FBI, including this week’s devastating congressional hearings.