NFL Crisis: Rash of Injuries to Elite QB’s Could Imperil TV Ratings
The NFL has a big problem: Star quarterbacks are dropping like flies.
The NFL has a big problem: Star quarterbacks are dropping like flies.
After Indianapolis Colts star Andrew Luck’s surprise retirement, Dallas Cowoys Owner Jerry Jones said that he thinks Luck would make a great president.
Mike Pence said that he was “disappointed” by the retirement of Indianapolis Colts star star Andrew Luck, though he still wished him well.
The sudden shock of Andrew Luck’s retirement caught the sports media completely off guard. You can tell, because the flurry of hot takes and intra-company squabbling has reached heights heretofore unseen.
Far-left documentary filmmaker Michael Moore praised the decision of Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck to retire from the NFL, arguing that the professional football league is excessively dangerous and “won’t exist” by the year 2050.
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Andrew Luck watched one last game from the sideline Saturday.
ESPN quickly issued an apology for using the song Dixie, as part of a humorous graphic televised for Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck.