Americans for Prosperity

Why One Large Conservative Group Isn’t Talking About Immigration

Breitbart News spoke to several AFP leaders who acknowledged that immigration was an important issue to many conservative voters, but said their organization would be staying focused on other fiscal and economic issues where they had plans for continuing to move the conversation forward during this election.

the Defending the American Dream summit hosted by Americans for Prosperity, Friday, Aug. 2

Jeb Bush Calls for Term Limits and Lobbying Restrictions

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Speaking before an energetic audience of 3,600 conservative activists on Friday afternoon at the Greater Columbus Convention Center, former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-FL) called for term limits and lobbying restrictions for all elected officials.

Republican presidential candidate, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, speaks at the Defending t

GOP Presidential Candidates Campaign for Tea Party Support

With Senators Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, all having announced their run for president, the 2016 presidential primary election is on everyone’s mind. Many, from both sides of the political aisle, are itching to see if grassroots organizations and movements like liberal and the Tea Party will once again factor into the political equation.

AP Photo/The Salt Lake Tribune, Scott Sommerdorf

Texas Rep Proposes Bill to Boot Lobbyists Out of Classrooms

Texas State Representative Matt Shaheen (R-Plano) recently introduced House Bill 3219, legislation that would begin to boot the special interests out of public school classrooms. It will do so by barring school districts and local government from using taxpayer dollars to fund lobbying or pay the “unions” that lobby for them to do so in Austin.


Video: Americans for Prosperity Insulted by Florida Senator

A bit of drama unfolded at Thursday’s committee meeting in Tallahassee, Florida, over SB 1046, a bill which has to do with subsidizing the state’s film industry. Americans For Prosperity opposes the bill as written, because they believe the bill is nothing more than a boondoggle for the entertainment industry and not a good investment for the state of Florida.

AP Photo/Steve Cannon