Allum Bokhari

Watch — Breitbart’s Marlow, Bokhari on Big Tech’s ‘Ideological Discrimination’: ‘Dystopian,’ ‘Unregulated’

Sunday, Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow, author of Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption, appeared on Newsmax TV’s “The Gorka Reality Check” alongside Breitbart News senior tech correspondent Allum Bokhari to discuss what, if anything, could be done to curb the double standard applied to conservatives by Big Tech companies.


Allum Bokhari: Facebook Aiding Tide of ‘Political Segregation’ for Goods and Services

Breitbart News senior tech reporter Allum Bokhari, who recently uncovered Facebook’s process of labeling its users “hate agents,” elaborated on his exclusive report and how he expects it to evolve in a Friday interview with SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily host Alex Marlow. Bokhari pointed out the striking similarity between the Silicon Valley Masters of the Universe and the Chinese government, which has implemented a “social credit system” in an effort to train its citizens to behave in a manner that pleases the communist regime.

The Associated Press