Alex Jones - Page 3

Megyn Kelly Gets Middling Reviews for Alex Jones Profile

Establishment news outlets reviewing Megyn Kelly’s controversial interview with radio host and Infowars publisher Alex Jones have mostly panned the NBC News host for a “shallow” profile that spends more time trying to justify itself than revealing anything interesting to her audience.

Megyn Kelly and Alex Jones.

NBC Moving Ahead with Megyn Kelly-Alex Jones Interview Despite Backlash

NBC News is moving ahead with plans to air Megyn Kelly’s interview with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones this weekend despite a backlash that has cost the show advertisers and led to Kelly being dropped as host for an event by an organization founded by parents of children killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School.


Megyn Kelly Faces Boycott over Alex Jones Interview

Megyn Kelly has come under fire for a planned Father’s Day interview with InfoWars founder Alex Jones on her new Sunday night NBC News program, with social media users calling for a boycott of the program’s advertisers and urging others to tune out the show when it airs later this month.


Hiding Hillary Day 265: Let Them Eat Chocolate

It has now been 265 days since Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton held a press conference. The next event on her public schedule is not until August 31st, when she is slated to give a speech to the American Legion National Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Clinton Chocolates