Alan Dershowitz - Page 9

Dershowitz: Russia Investigation ‘Really Endangers Democracy’

Havard law professor Alan Dershowitz believes special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia “really endangers Democracy.” “The idea of trying to create crimes just because we disagree with [Trump] politically, and target him, really


Alan Dershowitz: Russia Probe Becoming ‘Too Political’

Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Havard law professor Alan Dershowitz called the probe into the alleged ties between President Donald Trump, his associates and his 2016 campaign as becoming “too political.” That probe, headed by former FBI


ACLU Targets Jeff Sessions; Won’t Defend Michael Flynn

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) wants the Senate to question Attorney General Jeff Sessions next week about “his own role with Russia, his role in the Comey firing, and the ongoing investigations into ties with Russia and his recusal,” according to a statement by the organization.

ACLU Dissent is Patriotic Resistance training (Leila Macor / AFP / Getty)

President Trump Calls Out ‘Leaker’ James Comey

President Donald Trump reacted to fired FBI director James Comey’s testimony on Thursday before the Senate Intelligence Committee where he admitted leaking to a college professor the content of his private discussions with the president.

Jim Young/Reuters

Experts: No Case Against Trump

While the GOP establishment, Democrats, and media have the knives out for President Donald Trump after his firing of ex-FBI Director James Comey—and the subsequent leaks from Comey associates portraying alleged conversations between the two—legal experts are skeptical that there is any case to be made for an “obstruction of justice.” Professor emeritus at Harvard Law School Alan Dershowitz writes in the New York Daily News that “on balance, the obstruction case against President Trump is not strong, as a matter of law.”

U.S. President Donald Trump, center, listens during a press conference in the Rose Garden

Dershowitz: Comey Firing ‘Appropriate,’ No Special Prosecutor

Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz told CNN’s Don Lemon on Tuesday night that President Donald Trump was well within his rights to fire former FBI director James Comey, and that there was no need for a special prosecutor in the investigation into possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.
