Al Gore’s Climate Change Webcast From Paris Postponed After Deadly Attacks
Al Gore’s hosting of a Paris webcast event about climate change was postponed after over 100 people were killed in at least six attacks across the French capital.

Al Gore’s hosting of a Paris webcast event about climate change was postponed after over 100 people were killed in at least six attacks across the French capital.
Former Clinton administration vice president Al Gore said that he is not endorsing Hillary Clinton for president…yet.
The CNBC executive who oversaw the catastrophic Republican presidential debate in Colorado is married to a Hillary Clinton 2016 donor.
Al Gore thinks he might just have found the holy grail of climate change alarmism: a peer-reviewed study “proving” that carbon dioxide actually makes you stupid. Important piece by Joe Romm @thinkprogress on the direct, negative impact CO2 has on human
Sheldon Whitehouse, the preposterous Democrat senator for Rhode Island, has been preaching to his choir at HuffPo that the only way to deal with those pesky climate change deniers is to pursue them through the courts using RICO laws. Good luck
New England talk radio host Howie Carr told Breitbart News that not a single listener called in to his Friday radio program to express support for Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House.
Bill Clinton angles for his return, counting on nostalgia for a better past–one he has done more than anyone else to undermine.
“I thought it was best to write about my own raw terror,” says activist Naomi Klein, in a moving interview in today’s Guardian. Is she talking about the time she flew to Raqqa in Syria to try to audition for
A UN-endorsed carbon offset scheme designed to reduce emissions has actually increased them massively, a study by a green think tank has found. As well as pumping much as 600 million tonnes more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the carbon
John Kass of the Chicago Tribune says Hillary Clinton’s failure to handle her own scandals with any transparency is the only reasons Democrats are considering 2016 candidates like Joe Biden or Al Gore.
Friday, on Bloomberg’s “With All Due Respect,” hosts Mark Halperin and John Heilemann agreed that while it is unlikely, if former Vice President Al Gore got into the 2016 race, it would mean big trouble for Hillary. When Heilemann asked
From Salon: The presidential election is still sixteen months away, but this much is clear: Hillary Clinton is a vulnerable candidate. Since announcing her candidacy in April, Clinton’s stature has steadily slipped. Things got even worse this week. We learned,
Thursday, in an interview with “The Guardian,” former Vice President Al Gore said President Barack Obama’s decision to allow Royal Dutch Shell to begin the drilling process in the Arctic is “insane.” When asked about Obama’s job performance on climate
To this point in presidential politics, even candidates who favored gun control over gun rights hid it or at least tried to hide it.
On June 29 Bon Jovi frontman Jon Bon Jovi will be hosting a fundraiser for gun control candidate Hillary Clinton.
Late last year, the name Jonathan Gruber became part of the public consciousness for his newly public declarations that Obamacare passed due to the “stupidity of the American voter.” While there are many cases one can cite affirming that most Americans don’t closely follow the political process, the campaign to sell the manmade climate change crisis narrative proves otherwise.
Members of the Scientific Council of the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) recently criticized the Royal Society’s positions on climate.
Some Democrats are desperately searching for an alternative to Hillary Clinton, who still leads the polls but has drawn little enthusiasm from the media and the party’s “progressive activists.” Dennis Lennox, an opinion columnist for the Central Michigan Morning Sun, says that California Gov. Jerry Brown is the party’s ultimate fallback option–except for the fact that he is “bald, old (76), and white.” Lennox notes that the Republican candidates are younger and more diverse.
Pharrell Williams has partnered up with the United Nations for the third annual International Day of Happiness this Friday, March 20. The organization’s “Happy” day will place “an emphasis on reaching out to young people and engaging them on the issue
Climate change deniers should be punished, Al Gore has said, adding that politicians in particular should be made to pay a price for rejecting “accepted science”. He stopped short of suggesting what that punishment might be. Speaking at the South by
Talk radio host and author of “The Liberty Amendments,” Mark Levin discussed the switch in terminology from global cooling to global warming, and then to climate change on Monday. Levin pointed out the theories of global cooling before global warming maven Ed Klein tells America to forget Hillary Clinton — the Democrats should run Al Gore for president again.
These are times of panic for the Church of Global Warming. Science has failed them.
Talk radio host and author of “The Liberty Amendments,” Mark Levin argued that if Scott Walker’s college career is scrutinized, conservatives should point to Joe Biden’s, Ted Kennedy’s, Al Gore’s, and John Kerry’s time in college on Friday. “There are some
Ever since Climategate, the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia has enjoyed just international renown as a world centre of data-fudgin’, scientific-method-abusin’, FOI-dodgin’, decline-hidin’, grant-troughin’, junk-science-endorsin’ global warming propaganda. But did you know that the chap who
Monday on Newsmax TV’s “America’s Forum,” political pundit Dick Morris said NBC News anchor Brian Williams, Hillary Clinton and former vice president Al Gore all have “deep personalty disorders,” evidenced by their almost compulsive need to “put themselves in every
After a 17-year delay, former Vice President Al Gore’s satellite is about to lift off for outer space in part to measure–what else–global warming.
“2014 was the hottest year on record.” Q: If the above statement is not true – and (see below) it isn’t – would it make it any more true were it to be uttered in an important speech at Davos
Al Gore and Pharrell Williams took to the stage at the Davos Economic Forum on Wednesday to announce the second iteration of Live Earth, a series of worldwide concerts to raise awareness of climate change.