Al Gore - Page 5

Al Gore: CO2 Makes You Stupid

Al Gore thinks he might just have found the holy grail of climate change alarmism: a peer-reviewed study “proving” that carbon dioxide actually makes you stupid. Important piece by Joe Romm @thinkprogress on the direct, negative impact CO2 has on human


Al Gore: Obama Allowing Arctic Drilling ‘Insane’

Thursday, in an interview with “The Guardian,” former Vice President Al Gore said President Barack Obama’s decision to allow Royal Dutch Shell to begin the drilling process in the Arctic is “insane.” When asked about Obama’s job performance on climate


American People Aren’t Stupid Enough to Buy Climate Change Narrative

Late last year, the name Jonathan Gruber became part of the public consciousness for his newly public declarations that Obamacare passed due to the “stupidity of the American voter.” While there are many cases one can cite affirming that most Americans don’t closely follow the political process, the campaign to sell the manmade climate change crisis narrative proves otherwise.

An activist dressed as a "Polar bear" displays a placard during a demonstration at the ven

Columnist: Jerry Brown too ‘Bald, Old…and White’ to Run

Some Democrats are desperately searching for an alternative to Hillary Clinton, who still leads the polls but has drawn little enthusiasm from the media and the party’s “progressive activists.” Dennis Lennox, an opinion columnist for the Central Michigan Morning Sun, says that California Gov. Jerry Brown is the party’s ultimate fallback option–except for the fact that he is “bald, old (76), and white.” Lennox notes that the Republican candidates are younger and more diverse.

global warming

Green scientists caught tampering with the historical record. Again

Ever since Climategate, the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia has enjoyed just international renown as a world centre of data-fudgin’, scientific-method-abusin’, FOI-dodgin’, decline-hidin’, grant-troughin’, junk-science-endorsin’ global warming propaganda. But did you know that the chap who

Hubert Lamb UEA