Ohio Senate Democrats Introduce ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban
Ohio State Sens. Michael Skindell (D-23) and Charleta Tavares (D-15) are pushing a state-wide “assault weapons” ban for law-abiding Ohioans.

Ohio State Sens. Michael Skindell (D-23) and Charleta Tavares (D-15) are pushing a state-wide “assault weapons” ban for law-abiding Ohioans.
As the federal “assault weapons” ban was about to expire in 2004, the Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice (NIJ) reported that the ban could not be credited with any reduction in crime.
New England Patriots linebacker James Harrison is getting pushback for posting a photo of an “assault weapon” on Instagram.
The deadly attack outside a church in Egypt lasted up to 20 minutes and it was another 10 more minutes before police shot and wounded the assailant, according to witnesses who spoke to The Associated Press on Sunday.
On April 5, Tennessee Democrats tweeted a video of House Democratic Caucus leader Mike Stewart (D-52) trying to prove how easy it is to sell a gun by offering an AK-47 for sale at a lemonade stand. The video ran just over 48 mins and no one bought the gun.
On Tuesday, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit upheld Maryland’s “assault weapons” ban by ruling that AR-15s have a close enough resemblance to weapons of war to be treated like weapons of war.
The suspects in Sunday’s attack on a Quebec mosque that killed six have been identified as Mohamed Khadir and Alexandre Bissonnette, CBC and the Montreal Gazette are reporting.
Guns N’ Roses bassist Duff McKagan says AK-47s should be banned, background checks should be expanded, and the NRA’s concerns over certain politicians should not be believed.
An employee of a jewelry store in Conroe, Texas, pulled an AK-47 from behind the counter to stop four would-be armed robbers. One of the armed robbers opened fire and multiple employees returned fire, killing the suspect.
Fifty-eight Massachusetts lawmakers — both Democratic and Republican — signed a letter to state Attorney General Maura Healey (D) condemning her July 20 issuance of a directive expanding the state’s nearly 20-year-old “assault weapons” ban.
The Massachusetts AG said she made the decision after “assault weapons” were recently used in high-profile attacks in Baton Rouge, Dallas, and Orlando, and prior to that in Newtown, Aurora, and San Bernardino. She did not tie any of these attacks to sales in her state, but she is ending the sales nonetheless.
Gun-toting action movie star Matt Damon doubled down on his gun comments from last week by suggesting Americans may be too “sensitive” to understand the need for gun control.
During the July 10 airing of Fox News Sunday, Jesse Jackson said that AK-47s in Texas “can bring down airplanes.”
Just days after Governor Jerry Brown signed an “assault weapons” ban on rifles with “bullet buttons,” among other California gun laws, the inventor of the button has introduced the “Patriot Mag Release,” a device that makes even the AR-15 California-compliant.
Turkey, which recently suffered an attack in the Istanbul airport by a terrorist with an AK-47, has a complete prohibition on private ownership of semiautomatic rifles, firearm licensing requirements, and background checks.
Police officers in Houston seized an AK-47 rifle and several handguns from a vehicle driven by suspects in a shooting that occurred in the southwest part of the city.
In the wake of actor Brad Pitt’s co-chairmanship of the May 4 Brady Bear gun control awards gala in Los Angeles, Breitbart News thought it would be prudent to list just a few of the movies from which Pitt has made millions by toting guns.
On December 16, former General Electric CEO Jack Welch said affluent seniors are buying up handguns in the face of the growing terror threat.
On December 1 The Washington Post listed a number of causes behind firearm-related deaths in the United States but suggested that those deaths will not abate until laws are passed to ban “weapons of war.”
On Saturday, Jesse Jackson rallied outside Chuck’s Gun Shop in Riverdale, Illinois, against AK-47s, saying, “More guns make us less secure.”
In the wake of the January 7 armed terrorist attack in Paris, real estate tycoon and social commentator Donald Trump said the attack proved the truth of the maxim, “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.”
Supporters of the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) have continued to use social media accounts to promote indoctrination of children by faithful jihadist mothers. Recent trends seem to indicate a higher use of imagery of little girls wearing Islamic State gear and supporting the terrorist “caliphate.”
On December 18 Judicial Watch announced its acquisition of crime scene photos from a July 2013 gang assault with a DOJ “supplied” Fast & Furious AK-47. The assault took place in Phoenix, Arizona, and “inside sources” immediately tipped Judicial Watch