Africa - Page 14

Kenya Drowning in Chinese Debt but President Kenyatta Wants More

China’s debt colonization of Africa is well underway, as one African nation after another takes out gigantic loans from Chinese banks to build infrastructure projects that appear financially unsustainable. Kenya is one of the most heavily indebted countries, but President Uhuru Kenyatta is on his way to Beijing for a summit at which he will reaffirm his commitment to the Belt and Road initiative.

Trump to host Kenyan leader Kenyatta at White House on Aug 27

Exclusive — Tancredo: Jeff Flake is a Fake

Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) is acting like a spoiled teenager. In the midst of the Democrats’ grandstanding and obstruction over the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, Flake — who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee — decided to go to Africa for three weeks in order to further stall Kavanaugh’s confirmation process.

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) posted this image of himself in Zimbabwe on July 29.

Xi Jinping to Travel to United Arab Emirates and Africa

Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit the Middle East and Africa between July 19 and July 27 to sell that region Beijing’s One Belt, One Road (OBOR) project, a global infrastructure plan to give China control of the world’s great ports, roads, and railways.

Chinese President Xi Jinping alights from the plane upon arrival in Caracas on July 20, 20