abortion on demand - Page 12

Democrat Party the ‘Handmaid’ of the Abortion Industry

At Planned Parenthood’s centennial gala this week, Hillary Clinton cited feminist novel The Handmaid’s Tale to urge supporters of the abortion chain not to relinquish the right to abortion, but – as it turns out – the Democrat Party has succumbed and abandoned many of its principles to become the “handmaid” of the abortion industry.

The Handmaid's Tale-Hulu

Vermont Governor’s Race Centering Around Abortion

Abortion is an issue in the deep blue state of Vermont, where Republican Lt. Gov. Phil Scott has been targeted by Democrats for his past support for legislation that restricts late-term abortions and requires parents to be notified when their teenage daughters are seeking an abortion.

File January 22, 2009 in Washington, DC

CDC: Nearly 13,000 Fully Developed Babies Aborted Each Year

contrary to the false claims made by Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during Wednesday evening’s debate – few, if any, of those abortions occurred because of the “life and health of the mother” or “something terrible” being discovered about the pregnancy.


Tim Kaine Fully Embraced Abortion When He Became Hillary’s Likely VP Pick

Democrat presumptive presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has chosen Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine as her running mate, a man who shifted to a fully pro-abortion stance in order to be in sync with Clinton, who believes an unborn baby – up until its birth – has no constitutional rights and can be aborted if that is the choice of his or her mother.
