Abortion Clinics - Page 2

Supreme Court Stops Texas Abortion Clinics from Being Shut Down for Now

The Supreme Court of the United States ruled on Monday to stay the order of a lower federal court requiring abortion clinics in Texas to close or remain closed. The order from the court in Whole Woman’s Health et al. v. Cole, Comm’r, Texas DHS, et al. maintains the status quo while the Court decides whether to decide the case on the merits on any appeal.

Abortion Restrictions Texas

Texas Abortion Clinics Plead with Court: Save Our Lives!

Parties for the abortion clinics in Whole Woman’s Health, et al. at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, have filed a letter stating that 11 clinics will be forced to close down if the Court does not grant the abortion clinic’s motion to stay the Court’s June 9th opinion.

Abortion Bush Abbott

Attkisson: Media Has No Problem Saying Christians Bomb Abortion Clinics

Sunday on Fox News Channel’s “Media Buzz,” while discussing the controversy over President Barack Obama and his administrations unwillingness to label ISIS and other extremist groups as Islamic terrorists,  investigate reporter Sharyl Attkisson pointed out the media and society at