Michael Cohen Admits Trump Is an ‘Excellent, Excellent Golfer’

ANDY BUCHANAN_AFP via Getty Images
ANDY BUCHANAN/AFP via Getty Images

Former Trump Attorney Michael Cohen has become a media favorite for denigrating the president. However, on Monday, even Cohen had to give Trump his due.

The president recently wrapped up the definition of a power weekend: He won a golf tournament at Trump International Golf Club in Palm Beach County, Florida, and, when he wasn’t taking out the competition on the golf course, he was watching the Navy eliminate terrorists in Yemen.

Naturally, after such a Tour de Force, former CNN anchor and frequent Trump critic Jim Acosta felt it necessary to take the president down a notch on his Monday Substack video podcast, The Jim Acosta Show. For this purpose, Acosta welcomed Michael Cohen to the show.

However, while claiming that Trump “rigs” the competition at his club tournaments by selecting “scratch” golfers for his opponents, Cohen had to concede that Trump is “excellent, excellent” on the golf course.

“Well, he says he won,” Acosta said sarcastically. “They say he won. I mean, we have to be careful because, you know, it is his club. It is his tournament. I saw some video. Perhaps it was not correct video. I don’t know. It looked like it was video from over the weekend, but it looked like he shanked one off in the woods. When you shank one off into the woods, you don’t typically come down with the trophy at the end of the round!”

After bantering back and forth about the apparent lack of transparency regarding Trump’s winning a tournament at his own club, Cohen said the part Acosta certainly didn’t want him to say out loud.

“So let me just say this, he happens to be a good golfer,” Cohen said. “I’ve seen him legitimately play. He’s probably a four handicap, all right? And that’s an excellent, excellent golfer.”

In an attempt to ensure his return to Acosta’s podcast, Cohen quickly retold the talking point that Trump competes against weak golfers, but the truth was out.

A four handicap, especially for a man of Trump’s age, is unreal and puts him in the class of the best golfers outside the PGA Tour. In other words, when you have a handicap of four, you don’t have to pick “scratch” golfers to compete against. You can win a bunch of tournaments against quality competition.


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