‘Danger Follows the Delusion’: Spurs Coach Gregg Popovich Uses Press Conference to Blast Donald Trump

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Alex Slitz/Getty Images

Gregg Popovich, head coach of the San Antonio Spurs, has once again used an NBA press conference as a platform to attack Donald Trump with a 15-minute tirade delivered ahead of Saturday’s game.

Popovich kicked off his attack by calling Trump “pathetic,” Fox News reported.

“He’s a pathetic individual. He’s a small man who has to make everybody around him smaller, so he thinks he’s gonna be bigger,” Popovich railed. “And isn’t that the same thing we tell all of our kids in grade school? That’s not how you act. That’s not what you do.”

He went on to blast Republican Senators Mitch McConnell (KY), Ted Cruz (TX), and Josh Hawley (MO). Then he warned that Trump is a “danger.”

“Now, the danger follows the delusion and our kids and grandkids are gonna have to live with what this guy puts out there,” the extreme left-wing coach proclaimed.

“I’m just hoping people who are already sold on him for whatever reason, I can’t figure it out… The ones that stay home and don’t vote are the ones that worry me because we need everybody to vote. I hope that they won’t stay home, that they’ll understand that this guy is a scam artist. He’s great at it. I’ll give him credit for that. He’s the best ever, but he makes you want to puke,” he insisted.

Popovich added that he cannot understand how college-aged people can support Trump.

“What does he say or do that they want to vote for him? They must think he’s a strong guy,” he exploded. “This is the biggest whiner that ever walked the face of the earth. He’s like the poorest example of a fifth-grade bully I’ve ever seen. I mean, would you want your kids to act like he does?”

Popovich has gone on dozens of rants against Donald Trump and Republicans. However, he has also attacked the U.S. Constitution, the Second Amendment, American society, and even Western civilization.

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