CBS sports broadcaster and former NFL kicker Jay Feely has endorsed Donald Trump for president and said that he was “objectively” a far more successful president than the Biden-Harris administration.

Feely spoke about his support of the former president during a visit Thursday on OutKick’s podcast “Don’t @ Me with Dan Dakich.”

The broadcaster insisted that “the things that matter to the people at home, by every objective measure, Donald Trump did better.”

“If you look at Donald Trump and you do it objectively, and you just look at his three or four years in office, really three years prior to COVID,” Feely explained, “and you look at any objective measure compared to four years of the Biden-Harris administration, and you talk about the things that matter to people at home, you talk about the economy, you talk about safety, you talk about shelter, their home, the border, the economy, the things that matter to the people at home, by every objective measure Donald Trump did a better job than the Biden-Harris administration.”

Feely, who now lives with his wife and five children in Phoenix, Arizona, said that Trump has a serious opportunity to turn Arizona red in November.

“There’s over 200,000 registered Republicans in Arizona that didn’t vote in the last presidential election,” Feely noted, adding, “If half of those people vote … just half the registered Republicans in Arizona, [Trump] wins the state of Arizona!”

But it isn’t just Arizona: “It holds true in each of those swing states as well,” Feely continued. “So people who are registered Republicans, they just need to get out and vote for Donald Trump. I don’t understand to me, how you wouldn’t because the two parties have never been further apart.”

Many polls show Harris leading Trump in Arizona by a slim margin, but he did win the state by 3.5 points in 2016. Still, he lost the state to Joe Biden in 2020.

Feely also hopes that a Trump victory can help turn back the tide of radical leftism in America today.

“I think we should be able to talk about politics and who we like without people casting stones, without saying, ‘oh we’re going to cancel somebody,'” Feely told Outkick. “If you’re liberal and you believe in a certain politician, you should be able to talk about that, express your beliefs. If you like Trump, you should be able to express your beliefs.

“Hopefully, we can get back to that someday,” Feely concluded.

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