A baseball stadium fight erupted between several Yankees and Mets fans on Tuesday night, with the shocking footage of multiple people throwing punches, bodyslamming, and wrestling on the ground spreading on social media.

Footage from after the Mets’ three-to-two win at Yankee Stadium begins with two women, wearing Yankees merch, tumbling around on the floor. Then, men sporting attire from both teams begin swinging on each other:

One male Yankees fan tears off his jersey before entering the melee, appearing to briefly knock out a Mets fan with a haymaker punch to the jaw. 

The shirtless brawler celebrates by yelling and flexing for the cameraman, who can be heard cheering on the violence in the background. 

Security finally stepped in to separate the mixed-martial-arts-style fight after a massive crowd gathered around the scene. 

It is unclear if anyone involved was arrested.