The 2024 Paris Olympics will hand out thousands of medals in the coming weeks. However, before that, they will hand out thousands of condoms.

Complete with warnings about how to use them.

Paris is currently being occupied by nearly 20,000 athletes, staff, and affiliated team personnel, who are being welcomed to the European capital with anti-sex beds and a large assortment of condoms. The Olympic mascot and large lettering make the condom packages look more like packages containing candy. However, the protective sexual party favors being handed out by the committee display serious messages.

Some of the messages on the condoms include: “On the field of love, play fair. Ask for consent,” “Don’t share more than victory, protect yourself against STDs,” “Score a win: Yes to consent, no to STDs,” and “No need to be a gold medalist to wear it!”

The precise numbers regarding condom distribution are as follows: According to Laurent Dalard, the head of Olympic Health Services, 200,000 male condoms, 20,000 female condoms, and 10,000 oral dams will be handed out.

With an estimated 14,500 athletes and staff in or near the Village and 230,000 condoms available, each individual would have roughly 15 condoms available. Which, one would think, should be plenty for one month. If only the athletes receive the condoms, and their numbers are estimated to be in the neighborhood of 10,500, it would be roughly 20 per athlete.

The Olympics are known as a place where athletes engage in wild sexual exploits. Even during the “intimacy ban” in the 2020 Olympics, thousands of condoms were distributed to athletes whom the organizers knew would flaunt the rules.

With no “intimacy ban” and this year’s Olympics being held in the “City of Love,” this year’s games figure to be no different.